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"You just waved your wand, I suppose, and said 'Presto change," returned the young man. He turned Hector down a side street and drew rein under a large elm. "Here's my rheumatic gentleman," he added, as he jumped from the buggy and fastened the horse. "He won't keep me waiting while he abuses doctors, so I shan't be quite so long this time."

You all know that the stealing is the making of that second woman's fortune it advertises her from length to breadth of good-humoured, charitable England and she is relieved, as the breaker of a commandment, when she would have been left to starve, as the keeper of it. Come here, my jolly little Mouse! Hey! presto! pass! I transform you, for the time being, into a respectable lady.

"It's terrible!" roared the Cowardly Lion. "I remember when that green Witch appeared at the parade. She scared the living daylights out of me!" "But," added the Hungry Tiger, "what I can't figure out is why Queen Ozma never did anything about her. She could easily have looked into the Magic Picture to find the villainess, made a wish or two on the Magic Belt, and PRESTO, no more Wicked Witch."

It will be found that the latter Menuet, which is usually hurried, and treated almost as a Presto, will now shew an amiable, firm and festive character; in contrast with which, the trio, with its delicately sustained

They were brought: he shuffled, cut them, and continued to banter me. 'What card do you chuse? The knave of hearts? Look! You have it! Of spades? Presto! It is here! You have three knaves on your side, you see. I will keep the fourth, and drive you out of the field Come, for twenty? 'I see your aim, and am devilishly tempted to shew you that you are not half so cunning as you think yourself.

A year ago the fiat went forth that the American woman must have wide hips. Presto! there appeared especially devised machinery, advertised in all the journals, accomplishing the condition for those whom nature had not well endowed. Now the dressmaker has decided that they must be narrow-hipped, and half a million dollars in false hips, rubber pads, and other properties are cast aside.

Presto," she shut her eyes. "Now I have his point of view. Now I'm seeing what he sees that Miss Sally Madeira likes to hear him sing, and humours him and pets him because he is gay and glad to be alive, and because Uncle Bernique says that he needs somebody to mother him. I mother Piney. Can't you see that." She laughed again and arose and stood in front of him, gay, mocking, nonchalant.

"I simply open a closet door, sweep everything off the hooks and toss them into a trunk. Then I get Felice to jump on the lid with me, and presto! the trick is done, Madame!" and she laughed and shrugged her shoulders in pretty little French fashion. "I simply can't do it that way," sighed Betty. "I suppose it does take a long time to lay each dress out separately, but "

He seized the propitious moment, placed three hats upon the carpet, and a shilling under each; the shillings, he told me, were England, France, and Spain. 'Hey, presto, cockolorum! cried the doctor, and, lo! on uncovering the shillings, they were all found congregated under one.

One day he thought to himself: 'It is very strange that no one can get to see the Princess. They all say she is very pretty, but what's the use of that if she has to sit for ever in the great copper castle with all the towers? Can I not manage to see her somehow? Where is my tinder-box? and so he struck a spark, and, presto! there came the dog with eyes as large as saucers.