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Updated: August 12, 2024

"Och! indade, yes; it's betther than an empty brid-basket; but if yez could only taste a small thrifle ov a Wicklow ham this mornin', an' a smilin' pratie, instid of this brown soap, yez ." "Hisht!" said Lincoln, starting suddenly, and holding the bite half-way to his mouth. "What is it?" I asked. "I'll tell yer in a minit, Cap'n."

Here's to ye in the meantime; and 'am no savin' but this yill is just richt gude drink; it warms the pit o' the stamach, man." "You mane by that the pit o' the stomach, I suppose." "Ay, just that." "Troth, Mr. Malcomson, you Scotchers bring everything to the pit o' the stomach no, begad, I ax your pardon, for although you take care of the pratie bag, you don't forget the pocket."

Gineral Patterson an Irishman! no, sir; or there would have been bluidy noses at Bunker's Hill or Winchester, and that would have saved some at Bull Run." "On with your story, Terence," said the crowd. "Beggin' your pardon, there's no story about it, the blissid truth, ivery word of it. "Will, you see, while our ould Colonel, under the Gineral's orders, had me guarding a pratie patch "

If ye want to know how good a cup of water can taste, go two days without drinking; or if ye want to enjoy a good night's rest, sit up for two nights, and so, if ye want to enjoy a nice maal of victuals, ye must fast for a day or two. Now, I don't naad any fasting, for I always enjoyed ating from the first pratie they giv me to suck when I was a few waaks old."

'Tisn't fishin' for a sthray pratie he is, upon a ridge like this. But it can't be helped; an' God's will be done! Not himself! faix, it's he that'll get the height of good thratement, an' can ride home, well lined, both inside an' outside. Much good may it do him! 'tis but his right."

'Sure I'm glad 'twas none of yerselves he tuk to huggin', said the faithful fellow; 'an' scrapin' as if 'twas a pratie he wanted to peel! He had his revenge on the forepaws next morning when Mr. Holt cut them off, some time before breakfast, and set them in a mound of hot ashes to bake, surrounding and crowning them further with live coals.

We lived on praties next day, but the poor Sergeant had to foot the bill. "Well, as I was going on to say, while I was helping guard a pratie patch, an ice-house, corn-crib, smoke-house, and other such things that were near our camp ground, and that belonged to a Rebel Colonel under Johnston; Johnston himself was staling away with all his army to help fight the battle of Bull Run.

"She's oop to no good anyhow, bad cess to the ould thafe, as sure as eggs is mate; an' may I niver ate a pratie ag'in if I'm tellin' a lie sure, for I misthrusts them Malay raskils jist as the divil hates howly wather!" "But I allers heard them Malay chaps are awful cowards," said Adams, continuing the conversation.

"Yet the tumbler full would be a great blessing for us all, just now," murmured Mrs. Budd. "And is n't mutthon good 'atin', ladies! Och! if I had but a good swate pratie, now, from my own native Ireland, and a dhrap of milk to help wash it down!

"Why for the pratie crops to fail still; sure it's only the beginning o' May now, and who knows but we might have the happiness to see a right good general failure of the praties still? Eh? ha, ha, ha!" "Upon my sounds, Cooney, you have taken a good deal of weight off of me. Faith we have the lookout of a bad potato crop yet, sure enough. How is the wind?

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