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Updated: August 22, 2024

In this apartment the officers next in rank below the commander took their meals; and from it opened the state-rooms of the first and second officers on the starboard-side, with one for the chief engineer on the port-side, and another for his two assistants next abaft it.

It was one who, in Germany. has a better right to insist than anyone else. As we reached the davits there was a report like a pistol-shot from the port-side the tow-rope parting, I believe, as the lighter with her shallower draught swung on past the tug. Fresh tumult arose, in which I heard: 'Lower the boat, from Grimm; but the order was already executed.

The chill of doubt cut through the first hazy rosiness. A swamper from a port-side dive simply did not become a gearman for a Guild Hunter. Again it was as if the stranger read his thoughts. "Look here," he spoke abruptly. "I had a bad time myself, years ago. You resemble someone to whom I owe a debt. I can't repay him, but I can make the scales a little even this way." "Make the scales even."

"No deck-stateroom, but down below, on the weather-side, the port-side, remember that, the port-side. You'd better write it down." Once in his room he got into bed and slipped off to sleep as gently as a child. The occurrences of the evening had made no impression on him. His mind was dead to impressions. The glow of warmth with which he met Joe had been most fleeting.

On his way back to the port-side, he saw a shop where a man sold shells and clubs from the wild islands, old heathen deities, old coined money, pictures from China and Japan, and all manner of things that sailors bring in their sea-chests. And here he had an idea. So he went in and offered the bottle for a hundred dollars.

Harris was awaiting anxiously more news about the great strike at Harrisville. "Land, on the port-side, sir!" shouted the forward lookout, just as four bells struck the hour of ten o'clock. The officer on duty, pacing the bridge, raised his glass and in a moment he answered, "Ay! Ay! The Skelligs." "What do they mean?" inquired Mrs. Harris of a sailor passing. "The officer has sighted land, madam.

"And that the two holes was on her port-side, and seven foot from her stain-post; and I say them very augers that is in our cutter made them holes. Set down that." "It is down." "Then I'll put my mark under it; and you are my witness." Helen, anxious to please him in everything, showed him where to put his mark. He did so; and she signed her name as his witness. "And now, Mr.

Two stadia, one stadium, half a stadium, a ship’s length, the triremes were charging prow to prow, rushing on a common death, when Ameinias clapped a whistle to his lips and blew shrilly. As one man every rower on the port-side leaped to his feet and dragged his oar inward through its row-hole. The deed was barely done ere the Sidonian was on them.

Then she went down on the floor, full length, with a crash. Elsa Lee knelt beside her and slid a pillow under her head. "Call the maids, Leslie," she said quietly. "Karen has something for this sort of thing. Tell her to bring it quickly." I went the length of the cabin and into the chartroom. The maids' room was here, on the port-side, and thus aft of Mrs. Turner's and Miss Lee's rooms.

Shrieks and cries arose from the deck of the stranger, but still no signal was made that she had given in. On the contrary, as soon as she could get the guns on the port-side to bear, she began firing away again on us. We tacked, and once more stood towards her, so as to rake her as we passed under her stern.

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