United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The bed with its fat bolster, on top of which, like Ossa on Pelion piled, stood the pillows, perhaps covered with shams which bade one "Good night" and "Good morning" in red cotton embroidery was especially hideous as contrasted with our present-day enameled or brass bed, and belongs to the dark ages of crocheted "tidies," plush-covered photograph albums, "whatnots," prickly, slippery haircloth furniture, and other household idols which bring thoughts that lie too deep for tears.

His school blouse hung on the back, the knickerbockers were carefully folded, and the black belt lay coiled in a circle on his coat and what he termed his 'westkit. Beneath the chair the little pair of very dirty boots stood side by side. Mother stooped and kissed the round plush-covered head that just emerged from below the mountainous duvet.

When he folded the square sheet and replaced it in the letter-case he half spoke one word: "Blackmail!" Then, staring in apparent idleness about the little restaurant, with its gilt-framed mirrors, its red, plush-covered seats, its suggestion of foreign atmosphere and custom, he idly drummed the tips of his fingers on the table, and thought. Naturally, he thought of the writer of the letter.

As the eh president of the eh Cattlemen's Shakespearian eh Reading Circle, I am asked to present to eh Miss Spencer a slight token eh of our esteem, and eh to express our pleasure at eh being permitted," he bowed to the choking Mr. Moffat, "eh to participate in this eh most glorious occasion." He stepped forward, and dropped into Miss Spencer's lap a small plush-covered box.

She continued to look at him steadily. Then very gently, she said, "And when Nannie gives it to you, what will you do with it?" Blair drew in his breath as if bracing himself for a struggle. Then he got on his feet, pulled up one of the big, plush-covered arm-chairs, took out his cigarette-case, and struck a match. His hand shook. "Do with it? Why, invest it. I am going into business, Elizabeth.

'So I ran down here to-night, she said, 'because if I send in my stuff and the portrait to-morrow morning, it may be in time for next week's issue. Now, don't say you haven't got a photograph of yourself, Mr. Knight. Don't say that! What a pretty, old-fashioned drawing-room! Oh, there's the very thing! She pointed to a framed photograph on the plush-covered mantelpiece.

She chuckled, swinging in her plush-covered rocking-chair, arms folded on her meagre breast. "Guess you'll have to make one up! I never heard of none. The Michell family always owned it and they were so stiff respectable an' upright everyone was scared of 'em! Most of the men were clergymen in their time.

Then he looked about upon a dingy, moth-eaten hotel lobby. "I guess she's struck it," he thought, a picture of the old shiny, plush-covered world coming back, with its lights, its ornaments, its carriages, and flowers. Ah, she was in the walled city now! Its splendid gates had opened, admitting her from a cold, dreary outside. She seemed a creature afar off like every other celebrity he had known.

Five minutes later I was seated in a palatial drawing-room car bounding up and down quite a good deal on the elastic plush-covered seat. I shall not linger upon the incidents of the journey. I was given carte blanche to provide myself with every comfort, and to spare no expense that I could meet. For the regalement of my inside the preparations had been lavish.

As he crossed the road to the house, he lifted his eyes mechanically to the sky, and saw that the stars shone soft and near as if they were watching over a night of love. Leaning back in the uncomfortable plush-covered chair in the train to Richmond, Molly watched the flat landscape glide past, while she thought a little wistfully of the morning she had made this same trip dressed in one of Mrs.