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"You have done nothing, Count Sobieski, to offend me. I was fearful of my own conduct that you might have supposed I mean, unfortunate appearances might lead you to imagine that I was influenced was so forgetful of myself " "Cease, madam! Cease, for pity's sake!" cried Thaddeus starting back, and dropping her hand. Every motion which faltered on her tongue had met an answering pang in his breast.

Sophocles would have been aware of nothing wrong in it; he would have taken it quite as a matter of course. Euripides saw clearly that Admetus was a selfish poltroon, and rubbed it in for all he was worth. And he could not leave it at that, either; but for pity's sake must bring in Hercules at the end to win back Alcestis from death.

"Another minute," I said, through stiff lips, as I extricated myself from my swathings, "and I should have been what Mr. Mantalini described as a demnition body. For pity's sake, tell 'em the soup can't be too hot nor too steaming for your lady friend. I've had enough fresh air to last me the remainder of my life. May I timidly venture to suggest that a cheese sandwich follow the oyster stew?

Any sin but that I'll forgive. 'Listen to the voice of History. I am only describing what I saw. He entered, the heap on the sofa revived slightly, and the Hawley Boy and I came away together. He is disillusioned, but I felt it my duty to lecture him severely for going there. And that's all. 'Now for Pity's sake leave the wretched creature and The Dancing Master alone.

Nobody's dresses ever fit like yours, and that great dark-red hat and feather, I thought I should not like it, but it makes a perfect picture of you." "For pity's sake do stop!" begged Gerald. "You know of all things I hate compliments. Where's that boy Olly?" "He's coming to me later. I promised to make up to him for his not going to the party, poor little fellow."

"I wouldn't have such small feet," she said; "I shouldn't feel secure of my understanding." "Mrs. Tallboys would not change with you, Gussie," said Captain Duncombe. "I'd back her any day " "What odds will you take, Captain " But Mrs. Duncombe broke in. "Bless me, if there aren't those little dogs of mine! Lena Vivian does spoil them. Send them home, for pity's sake, Bob."

"I insist upon knowing if such really be the case," said the prince, his eyes sparkling. "No one, sire, no one has in any way offended me." "In that case, pray resume your gentle air of gayety, or that sweet melancholy look which I so loved in you this morning; for pity's sake, do so." "Yes, sire, yes."

This was his hour of triumph over Mrs. William. "I went to Kensington and brung her out to see Aunty Nan. She's up with her now." "Dear me," said Mrs. William helplessly. "And me in my milking rig! Jordan, for pity's sake, hold the baby while I go and put on my black silk. You might have given a body some warning. I declare I don't know which is the greatest idiot, you or Aunty Nan!" As Mrs.

"Sign then," said Richelieu; "the contents of this are, 'This is my command to take them, dead or alive." Louis, whose head still reclined on the raised back of the chair, suffered his hand to fall upon the fatal paper, and signed it. "For pity's sake, leave me; I am dying!" he said. "That is not yet all," continued he whom men call the great politician.

Nothing pleases him better than to creep up to the grand new studio and watch Alwyn at his work. "'I shall be proud of him yet, he said that to me yesterday, and if you had seen his face, Livy, when he said it!" "Of all the paths that lead to a woman's love Pity's the straightest." Beaumont and Fletcher. One afternoon in October Olivia sat at her work in the front parlour.