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"Well, put Salome to bed, and let her sleep the rest of the day. She's worn out. And for pity's sake let some one take that poor child and put some dry clothes on him before he catches his death of cold." That evening, as Salome Marsh lay in her bed in a glory of sunset light, her heart filled with unutterable gratitude and happiness, Judith came into the room.

I've no idea that it's entered her head yet, but it will by-and-by, and then good-by to her happiness." "For pity's sake, what do you mean? Do explain, and not talk to me in riddles. What have I done to Maddy, or what am I going to do?" Gay spoke savagely, and his boots were in great danger of being burned as he kicked vigorously against the fender.

Most young ladies would be as bright as a bee at being going to see so many people; and, indeed, it's what you should." "I had rather see one or two persons than one or two hundred," said Ellen, speaking half to herself and half to Mrs. Mason. "Well, for pity's sake, Miss Ellen, dear, if you can, don't look as if it was a funeral! There!

Mary for pity's sake leave me in the dark in the dark." She rose from her knees by his side, and he uttered a sob, for he felt that she was going; but she retained one of his hands between hers in a firm, cool clasp. "No, dear," she said softly; "those who love are one. John Grange, I will never leave you, and your life shall not be dark. Heaven helping me, it shall be my task to lighten your way.

"I shouldn't think it would," said Lawrence, looking at his cousin's pale face all the paler for the stress of his winter's work. "Do, Reg; and for pity's sake, bring a root of some flower if you can find one; it is sickening to think of a child dying without ever having had such a thing in his hands."

Would you have me a damned author To undergo sneers, taunts, abuse, and cold neglect, and faint praise, bestowed, for pity's sake, against the giver's conscience! A hissing and a laughing-stock to my own traitorous thoughts! An outlaw from the protection of the grave, one whose ashes every careless foot might spurn, unhonored in life, and remembered scornfully in death!

Pendleton stooped and examined it, but rose immediately. "There's been trouble in there," he said, with a pale face. "How could anybody get in?" said Thalassa sullenly. "The door is locked from the inside, and it's two hundred feet from the windows to the bottom of the cliffs." "Oh, for pity's sake stop talking and do something," cried Mrs. Pendleton hysterically. "My poor brother may be dying."

"Haven't the rebels been here, and how did you escape them? Which way did they go, and was Aguinaldo with them? For pity's sake, say something." Archie wasn't long explaining things, and his news was so explicit and so valuable that the colonel grasped his hand and said, almost with tears in his eyes, "God bless you, lad.

Ah! but for those marmots, I should have been dead before now, old fellow. On their account I am taking care of my horse instead of eating him. But have you a crust about you, for pity's sake? It is thirty hours since I have stowed any victuals. I have been fighting like a madman to keep up a little warmth in my body and what courage I have left." "Poor Philip! I have nothing not a scrap!

Oh, I would rather mount the scaffold of my brother, Louis XVI., than thus descend the staircase at the Tuileries driven away by ridicule. Ridicule, sir why, you know not its power in France, and yet you ought to know it!" "Sire, sire," murmured the minister, "for pity's"