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'You have brought it upon yourself, Alfred, returned Madame Mantalini still reproachfully, but in a softened tone. 'I am a demd villain! cried Mr Mantalini, smiting himself on the head.

'She will not take poison, because she had a demd fine husband who might have married two countesses and a dowager 'Two countesses, interposed Madame. 'You told me one before! 'Two! cried Mantalini. 'Two demd fine women, real countesses and splendid fortunes, demmit. 'And why didn't you? asked Madame, playfully. 'Why didn't I! replied her husband.

Little Miss La Creevy trotted briskly through divers streets at the west end of the town, early on Monday morning the day after the dinner charged with the important commission of acquainting Madame Mantalini that Miss Nickleby was too unwell to attend that day, but hoped to be enabled to resume her duties on the morrow.

'Not unless it was as I have just supposed, replied Ralph, shrugging his shoulders carelessly, as if to give his questioner to understand that he had no curiosity upon the subject. 'Demmit, you amaze me, cried Mantalini.

Here, then, in the one place where there is any testing the annals, it appears they are sound enough; which might be thought to speak well for them. But our scholars are so damnebly logical, as Mr. Mantalini would say, that to them it only proves this: you are to accept no date earlier.

However, notwithstanding her firmness, Madame Mantalini wept very piteously; and as she leant upon Miss Knag, and signed towards the door, that young lady and all the other young ladies with sympathising faces, proceeded to bear her out.

Very little affected, to judge from her action, by this tender appeal, the lady was on the point of returning some angry reply, when Nicholas, raising his voice, asked his way to Piccadilly. Mr Mantalini turned round, caught sight of Kate, and, without another word, leapt at one bound into a bed which stood behind the door, and drew the counterpane over his face: kicking meanwhile convulsively.

'We are alone, returned Ralph, tartly. 'What do you want with me? 'Good! cried Mr Mantalini, displaying his teeth. 'What did I want! Yes. Ha, ha! Very good. WHAT did I want. Ha, ha. Oh dem! 'What DO you want, man? demanded Ralph, sternly. 'Demnition discount, returned Mr Mantalini, with a grin, and shaking his head waggishly. 'Money is scarce, said Ralph.

The dressmaker was a buxom person, handsomely dressed and rather good-looking, but much older than the gentleman in the Turkish trousers, whom she had wedded some six months before. His name was originally Muntle; but it had been converted, by an easy transition, into Mantalini: the lady rightly considering that an English appellation would be of serious injury to the business.

'Madame Mantalini, said the young lady. 'Ma'am, said Madame Mantalini. 'Pray have up that pretty young creature we saw yesterday. 'Oh yes, do, said the sister. 'Of all things in the world, Madame Mantalini, said the lord's intended, throwing herself languidly on a sofa, 'I hate being waited upon by frights or elderly persons. Let me always see that young creature, I beg, whenever I come.