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Updated: August 29, 2024

"Auction pinochle!" Abe interrupted, throwing up his hands. "Das fehlt nur noch!" "As I was saying, Mr. Potash," Prosnauer went on with a withering glance at Abe, "those samples are outside, and Pasinsky has asked me to ship them to Klinger & Klein, and " "Ship 'em!" Abe cried. "You shouldn't ship nothing. Them samples belongs to me." "How do I know that?" Prosnauer asked.

Nor was there anything the least clandestine in this backdoor trade of Herman's on the Sabbath. One had but to know the path to his door, and at this moment Newbern's mayor, old Doctor Purdy, sat at one of Herman's tables and sipped from a stone mug of beer and played a game of pinochle with stout, red-bearded Herman himself, overlooked by Minna, who had brought them their drink.

"Was you acquainted maybe with Heinrich Strauss in Detroit?" asked Schwegel. "Did I know Heinrich Strauss?" repeated Curly, affectionately. "Why, say, 'Bo, I wish I had a dollar for every game of pinochle me and Heine has played on Sunday afternoons." More beer and a second plate of steaming food was set before the diplomat.

"Oh, say," she called. "I almost forgot. I want to tell you that if you wait until your caramel is off the stove, and then add your butter, when the stuff's hot, but not boilin', it won't lump so. H'm? Don't mention it." They may differ on the subjects of cigars, samples, hotels, ball teams and pinochle hands, but two things there are upon which they stand united.

Outside, the sheep were blatting stridently their demand for breakfast. The herder bolted coffee and coarse food until he was filled, and went away to his dreary day's work, telling Ford to make himself at home, and flinging back a hope of further triumphs in pinochle, that night.

I tried to teach him pinochle, but he never could remember none of it, and the hired men always clean him out shakin' dice. He can't even beat his papa at checkers. And that's an awful thing to say of a bright boy!" The old man stared at the photograph and his forehead smoothed for a breath. Then he sighed and drooped his chin. "If I'd stayed by right principles when I was young "

You see, I've made quite a study of the game o' rhummy, not to mention pinochle and other such games of chance, and if I do say so myself I doubt there's the man in Chicago, doomed for to hang or otherwise, who would find me an easy mark. Still, as I say, in the case of these gentlemen who you refer to to wit, the doomed men as I have acted as death watch for it do interfere with their game.

The sight of the old lady puffed up like a balloon was always too much for Nance, and when she laughed, Miss Bobinet was obliged to let her breath go in a sharp reprimand, and the performance had to start all over again. "You laugh too much anyhow," she complained irritably. When the toilet and breakfast were over, there followed two whole hours of pinochle.

Ben Shornik and Max would play a game of pinochle, while I, who never cared for cards, would chat with the women or entertain them by entertaining the children. Ben as I came into the habit of calling him was a spare little man with an extremely high forehead.

By the way, Dan, there's one thing I hope you remember." "What is that?" demanded Dalzell. "What did they tell us this lower deck was named?" "Dunno," grunted Dan. "But I have my own name for it. I call it the pinochle deck." "I'm afraid that won't do to repeat," laughed Dave. At that moment the handle of the door was turned. Five upper class midshipmen entered, closing the door behind them.

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