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"Got change for a dollar, an' I'll settle that pinochle debt," offered the sergeant. "I'll take a look." The policeman emptied his coin pocket. "What's that yuh got there?" "Which?" "The red stone?" "Oh, that? Picked it up on the sidewalk. Some Italian kids dropped it as they skedaddled." "Let's have a look." "Sure." The policeman passed over the stone. "Gee! That looks like real money.

I am workin' his outfit as foreman, and it don't take long to show me that he's a good- hearted feller, in spite of his ridin'-bloomers an' pinochle eye- glass. He ain't never had no actual experience, but he's got a Henry Thompson Seton book that tells him all about everything from field-mice to gorrillys.

"Except when he goes to Germany, with him I play pinochle on Tuesdays always." Smith surveyed him, speechless. "To-day is Tuesday," he said at last. And for the next half hour he proceeded to explain to Mr. Bartels exactly what it was that Mr. Scheidle now had a chance to do for his old friend with whom for so many years he had played his nocturnal pinochle on Tuesdays always.

I was in New Harbor, where I live, playing pinochle all night long with two other down-and-outs like myself, in a cheap hall bed-room I, Herbert Armstrong, who used to play for thousands a game, in the best clubs in Illington! And I never knew that the man who had brought me to that pass was gasping his life away! Think of it!

Here, when wordy discussions on all subjects under the sun were not being waged, Billy played at cut-throat Pedro, horrible fives, bridge, and pinochle. Saxon, a favorite of the young women, sewed with them, teaching them pretties and being taught in fair measure in return.

"That is the least, Noblestone," he rejoined. "First and last I bet you I am out five thousand dollars on Vesell. That feller got an idee that there ain't nothing to the cloak and suit business but auction pinochle and taking out-of-town customers to the theayter. Hard work is something which he don't know nothing about at all. He should of been in the brokering business."

"Aw, if you must know, Andy, it it was pinochle," he growls. "It ain't a crime, is it, a little game?" "What about the butler, though, and the others?" insists Zosco. "Why," says Jake, "they was goin' to be in it, too. Can't play pinochle alone, can you?

"The way that feller acts, Abe, he ain't no stranger to auction pinochle, neither, I bet yer." Abe put on his hat and coat preparatory to going home. "What's the use knocking him yet a while, Mawruss?" he said. "A different tune you will sing it when we get a couple of orders from him to-morrow morning."

He likes to play pinochle at night, he says, next to the sitting-room fire. He tried to learn me the rules of the game the other night in the poppy-room. It's easy. His first wife was death on flowers. She used to train roses over their back fence. He loved to see her there. He wants me to like to grow them.

The Frenchman, still attired in evening dress, for that is the conventional wedding attire of his race, was lying on the bed sleeping the sleep of utter exhaustion supplemented by bromide. The two negro attendants, who were hoping for some more exciting experience, were squatted on the floor playing pinochle, and the strenuous efforts of Lord Valletort to arouse the slumberer were quite useless.