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Sharp, unpleasant odours came from the pig-pen in the barnyard, where the rain was scattering the slops in the trough. A bull bellowed in a far-off pasture. Before the hen-house door several dripping fowls strutted with wilted feathers. He saw it all in silence, with the dogged eyes of one whose gaze is turned inward. He made no gesture, uttered no exclamation.

"I confess I do not see the connection between a roomful of furniture and a pig-pen, but Carol's wit is often too subtle for me." "Oh, that's a lovely place over there, father!" exclaimed Prudence, looking from the living-room windows toward the south. "Isn't it beautiful?" "Yes. The Avery family lives there.

"How dear to me heart are the scanes of me childhood, Fondly gaze on the cabin where I'm doomed to dwell, Those chicken-coop, thim pig-pen, these highly piled-wood Around which I've always raised Hell." Jimmy turned in at his own gate, while Dannie passed to the cabin beyond. He entered, set the dripping rat bag in a tub, raked open the buried fire and threw on a log.

Allen, "I'm going to hold you up so you can peep over into the pig-pen. There, do you see that little mite of a white piggy?" "O, dear, dear, dear!" cried Prudy, clapping her hands, "what a cunning little piggy-wiggy! He looks nice enough to eat right up! I never did see such a darling! O, he winks his eyes see him! He ain't dead, is he? Not a mite?"

It lies open and flat on the floor of a grain-bin, the very one you and I gnawed into last night, and there is a lovely piece of cheese in the middle of it. The Rat who told me about it says that as soon as one touches the cheese, the trap springs shut on him." "Bah!" exclaimed the young Rat who had just eaten breakfast in the Pig-pen. "Let it stay there!

When shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel o' the Lord come down, An' glory shone around thess like the hymn says. The whole o' this back yard is full o' glory this minute. Th' ain't nothin' too low down an' mean for it to shine on, neither not even the well-pump or the cattle-trough 'r the pig-pen or even me. Thess look at me, covered over with it!

The State is simply made out of common dirt called Tom, Dick and Harry, whom a lot of other plain Toms, Dicks and Harrys set up in power. Will not your pig-pen you call the Cooperative Commonwealth have men in charge with authority to call the pigs to dinner and drive them to the fields to root?" "Certainly, there must be authority," Gordon snapped. Overman mused a moment.

If I run to either side, there were the men, and if I took toward the pig-pen they'd see me. And they'd be comin' around and 'd ketch me where I was." "What did you do?" exclaimed aunt Corinne, preserving a rigid attitude. The toll-woman laughed cheerfully as she poured out more tea for herself, Grandma Padgett having waved back the teapot spout.

They made us live in a little, nasty, pig-pen of an alley; we had to go in at sundown, unt stay there; we had to wear a different cloze from other folks, unt we didn't dare to say our souls were our own to any dirty loafer that insulted us. "Here we are treated like men, unt why shouldn't we help to keep the country from breaking up?

"See here, you bumble-bee," he bellowed; "you and I have got an account to settle before you get away from me. What do you mean by coming flopping on to my farm and breaking my pig-pen?" "Aber, I didn't come, der Grasshobber bring me " expostulated Schmidt, "I vould much rather have been somevere else. I don't like pork except mit sauerkraut."