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"You've been pretty well troubled, haven't you, son?" he remarked paternally when Don Mike, having completed his meal, sat back and commenced rolling a cigarette. "Si. Got your train of thought ditched, Bill?" "I have. Assuming that Parker has made a deal with the Central California Power Company, what I want to know is: Why did he do it?" "I've just told you why he did it."

He remembered the pair at once, and smiled paternally. 'Not seen you for some time, sir! 'No, I have been engaged. 'Married, said the lady. 'Dear me! said the proprietor. 'Tea, sir? 'And muffins. You used to like the muffins. 'Oh yes, muffins by all means. 'Number ten, said the proprietor, and a waiter showed them upstairs.

He saw that the poor boy was being frightened as he had never been before by the malicious fun of the veterans in pouring into his ears stories of the awful character of the rebel cavalry. Shorty sucked the ink off his pen, put his hand soothingly on Pete, and said in a paternally comforting way: "My boy, don't let them blowhards back there stuff you with sich nonsense about the rebel cavalry.

They certainly were shy that afternoon, for the individual in question had angled long and bagged nothing, as I gleaned from the answers to the direct interrogatories put by my urchin during the few minutes I stood paternally by and watched the proceedings. "Caught anything?" "Nop." "Had a bite?" "Nop." "How long you been fishing?" "An hour."

Broderick placed a hand upon his shoulder almost paternally. "I hope that is prophetic, Benito," he said. "I'm strangely serious about it. This town has taken hold of me your San Francisco." They turned to greet Sam Brannan, now a candidate for the ayuntamiento or town council. "How goes it, Sam?" asked Broderick. "Well enough," responded Brannan. He looked tired, irritated.

As Calvert stood before his superior, that distinguished officer, whose oratorical powers had been considerably stimulated through a long course of "returning thanks for the Army," slightly expanded his chest and said paternally: "I am aware, Mr.

"Short-sighted infants, to waste their wind in that style; but they pull well for their years," observed Mark, paternally, as he waited till the others had gained sufficient advantage to make the race a more equal one. "Now, then!" he whispered a moment after; and, as if suddenly endowed with life, the Kelpie shot away with the smooth speed given by strength and skill.

Gertie bent lower over her frying-pan and scraped harder than ever. "Do stop that confounded row one second!" shouted Frank. The noise stopped abruptly. Gertie glanced up and down again. Then she began again, more gently. "That's better," said Frank.... "Well, I hope you have," he went on paternally. "You're a good girl, Gertie, and you know better.

Very red in the face, he showed and waved his ticket, and then galloped off again to the compartment where his wife and son had their seats, in order to announce the good news to them. When Marie and her father were installed in their places, Pierre lingered for another moment on the platform with Doctor Chassaigne, who embraced him paternally.

He held out his right hand and Orion accepted it, but not without reserve, for he had suspected a scornful ring in the patriarch's address, and he could not help asking himself whether this man honestly meant so well by him, that he could address him thus paternally as "child" in all sincerity of heart?