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The old chief, Muskrat, is also there, having been invited along with Masqua and his son Mozwa, with their respective squaws, to the great event that is pending, and, to judge from the intense gravity not to say owlish solemnity of these redskins, they are much edified by the proceedings of the men. In the hall preparations are also being carried on for something of some sort.

All the time he was dragging me along by the arm toward the crowd at the bar. Barry maintained an air of owlish gravity. "Where's Missouri Jones?" I inquired; but I might as well have asked the stone mountains. McNally chattered on, excited, his blue eyes dancing, bragging over and over about his two horse-loads of gold.

"You go way!" she cried fiercely. "You're drunk, that's what you are!" "So's he," suggested Dean, staying the motion of his finger and pointing it at Gordon. Peter Himmel ambled up, owlish now and oratorically inclined. "Here now," he began as if called upon to deal with some petty dispute between children. "Wha's all trouble?" "You take your friend away," said Jewel tartly. "He's bothering us."

There was, however, enough of the debt still unpaid to induce a desire in the captives to return of their own accord to the prison-house of Oblivion, but the desire was frustrated by Otto, who, sitting up suddenly and blinking at the sun with owlish gravity, exclaimed "Well, I never! We've only slept five minutes!" "The sun hasn't set yet!"

Sharp shook his head. "Money couldn't buy 'em," he said, with owlish solemnity, "espec especially after the good supper you're giving me." "Bert," said Mr. Culpepper, uneasily, as his wife sat somewhat erect "Bert, it's my birthday, and I don't grudge nothing to nobody; but go easy with the beer. You ain't used to it, you know." "What's the matter with the beer?" inquired Mr. Sharp.

The younger members, among whom were several he knew to be mighty good fellows at heart, sat at the lower end of the long table, and with owlish gravity attempted to emulate the appearance and manners of their seniors. At the head of the table sat Whiskers, as the dignified and venerable president of the university was popularly named.

It seems hardly conceivable that they could so have blundered as to call the owls that we know clever birds; and the alternative assumption that owlish intellect can have appreciably changed in the interval is even less acceptable.

Mosquitoes likewise contribute to the general inducement to keep awake; and after the others have finally lain down, my ancient next neighbor produces a small mortar and pestle and busies himself pounding drugs. For this operation he assumes a pair of large, round spectacles, that in the dimly lighted apartment and its nocturnal associations are highly suggestive of owls and owlish wisdom.

Why should any one be able to raise a laugh by saying 'the Cause of Notting Hill'? Notting Hill where thousands of immortal spirits blaze with alternate hope and fear." Auberon was flicking dust off his sleeve with quite a new seriousness on his face, distinct from the owlish solemnity which was the pose of his humour. "It is very difficult," he said at last. "It is a damned difficult thing.

But she no sooner touched the ground than up she started to her feet again, with an alarmed look on her owlish face, as if she had sat down on a stinging-nettle. "We thought you were dead," she remarked, still thinking that I might be a ghost after all. "No, still alive," I said. "And so because you came to the ground with your pain, they left you behind!