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The wise physician does not give directions at first sight of his patient, but studies the sick man's temperament, before prescribing. He begins late with his treatment, but cures the man: the over-hasty physician kills him. Remember that, before you venture undertaking to form a man, you must have made yourself a man; you must find in yourself the example you ought to offer him.

'My lord Arthur, said Sir Gawaine, 'be not over-hasty; listen not to the foul tongue of Sir Mordred, who laid this trap for Sir Lancelot, that we all know to be the Queen's own Knight, who has done battle for her when none else would. As for Sir Lancelot, he will prove the right on the body of any Knight living that shall accuse him of wrong either him, or my lady Guenevere.

She took off her gloves, she wiped her hands, then fanned her face with her handkerchief, while athwart the throbbing of her temples she heard the murmur of the crowd and the voice of the councilor intoning his phrases. He said: "Continue, persevere; listen neither to the suggestions of routine, nor to the over-hasty councils of a rash empiricism.

"We must avoid everything precipitate," said Reckage; "we mustn't be over-hasty." Lady Fitz Rewes wiped her eyes, rose from the table, and began to draw on her gloves. "But we must be friends," she said; "if you cannot go to them, I will. Do you realise the poor child's position? An illegal marriage! She is the most gentle, beautiful person I ever saw, with the best head, the purest heart.

The types manifest themselves; the normal and the exceptional are readily distinguishable. The normal type is keen of wit, impulsive; it is observable for instance that both men and women habitually almost invariably fall in love unreservedly at first sight; generous for the most part; in action prompt and more often than not over-hasty, but resourceful the women more resourceful than the men.

To kill a husband and carry off a wife is something an honest man does not do. And since I am only an ordinary man, I prefer to die rather than do as you say." Tsian Tang rose, apologized and said: "My words were over-hasty. I hope you will not take them ill!" And the King of the Dungting Sea also spoke kindly to him, and censured Tsian Tang because of his rude speech.

However, subscription to this opinion should not be over-hasty, since Mr. Crailey Gray had been notoriously a rival of Carewe's with every pretty woman in town, both having the same eye in such matters, and also because the slandered gentleman could assume a manner when he chose to, whether or not he possessed it.

He bit the ends of his moustache, and his eyes glared at the impalpable thwarting force that to imagination seemed to fill the air about him. 'A lesson against being over-hasty, he muttered, again kicking the footstool. 'Did you make that considerate remark to Marian? asked Maud. 'There would have been no harm if I had done.

"We went suddenly from six fathoms to three, your Grace," Cyril shouted, "and a moment after we found but two." "Very well, sir," the Duke called back. "In that case you have certainly saved our ship. I thought perhaps that you had been over-hasty, and had thus cost us our topmast, but I see it was not so, and thank you. Our pilot assured us there was plenty of water on the course we were taking."

She spoke with a vibrant fervency of feeling which for the moment pierced even his thick skin. "He was over-hasty," he muttered, in half-apology. "What I said was for his interest. I intended no offence." "Will you follow him, and say so?" "Certainly not! If he chooses to take umbrage, let him. It's no affair of mine." "Then I will go and not return until he comes with me, invited by you!"