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"I watched the little barkie fairly out of sight, and then I began to feel lonesome like, and I'll own that most oncomfortable thoughts came into my head about the sea-sarpent; but, strange as you may think it, I never give a thought to the sharks.

But there's been more'n one new feller snookin' round." "Have you heard from any of the boys with the cattle?" "Yep. Bill Weeks rode down. He said a bunch of I.W.W.'s were campin' above Blue Spring. Thet means they've moved on down to the edge of the timber an' oncomfortable near our wheat. Bill says they're killin' our stock fer meat." "Hum!... How many in the gang?" inquired Anderson, darkly.

I've no more reason than another craft to fear a government vessel, but the sight of one of them makes me oncomfortable; that's all." Mulford shrugged his shoulders and remained silent, perceiving that his commander was not disposed to pursue the subject any further.

One day we went to the American mission school and see the native children settin' flat on the floor. Josiah wuz awful worked up to see 'em settin' down in such a oncomfortable posture, and he said to me that if he had some tools and lumber he would make 'em some seats. But that is their way of settin' to study their lessons.

But only for half an hour." "Only for half an hour." Evans was triced up and pinned to the wall; the chaplain took out a guinea and placed it in his sight, and walked out. In about ten minutes he returned, and there was Evans, his face drawn down by pain. "Well, how do you like it?" "Oh! pretty well, sir; it isn't worth making an outcry about." "Only a little oncomfortable."

He says to himsilf, he says: 'They'se nawthin' f'r me to do, he says, 'but load up me little lyddite cannon with th' green goods, he says, 'an' set here at the organ, he says, 'pull out th' stops an' paint th' town iv Pretoria green, he says. 'But, he says, 'on sicond thought, suppose th' inimy shud hand it back to me, he says. 'Twud be oncomfortable, he says.

But, I say, Dick saving your pardon for being familiar," he added, "there's the small matter to be thought on in the case, and that is, it was not Injuns, but rale right-down Christian men that brought the younker to the tug. It's a bad business for white men, and it makes me feel oncomfortable." "Pooh," said the other, with an air of contemptuous commiseration, "you are growing sentimental.

"No, sir, it's a little oncomfortable that is all; and then we've got such a lot here we are obliged to be down on 'em like a sledge-hammer, or they'd eat us up alive." "Have you got the things, the jacket, collar, etc.?" "I know where to find them," said Evans with a sly look. "Bring them to me directly to this empty cell."

It 'll only make things oncomfortable. It ain't my fault I warn't born a duke, it ain't your fault you warn't born a king so what's the use to worry? Make the best o' things the way you find 'em, says I that's my motto. This ain't no bad thing that we've struck here plenty grub and an easy life come, give us your hand, duke, and le's all be friends."

Despite his natural courage and coolness, Jarwin felt, as he said himself, "raither oncomfortable." Towards the afternoon things became a little more quiet, still no notice was taken of our hero save that his meals were sent to him from the Chief's hut.