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"Mis' Patridge," timidly said the agitated wooer, approaching nearer, "you don't say that is, do you mean to say that if Cicely Ann could like me well enough to not be sassy around the house, an' keepin' you oncomfortable about it, you an' me could hitch on an' be pardners? You don't mean it now, do you?" "Mean it!" murmured the widow, her fair cheeks aglow with suddenly-stirred enthusiasm.

It 'll only make things oncomfortable. It ain't my fault I warn't born a duke, it ain't your fault you warn't born a king so what's the use to worry? Make the best o' things the way you find 'em, says I that's my motto. This ain't no bad thing that we've struck here plenty grub and an easy life come, give us your hand, duke, and le's all be friends."

You'll see me frequent as I ride here an' theer horse, saddle, stirrups, an' all complete; though God He knaws wheer my knees'll go when my boots be fixed in stirrups. But a man must use 'em if theer 's the dignity of money to be kept up. 'T is just wan of them oncomfortable things riches brings with it."

And I sot up straight and oncomfortable in another one on 'em, stark alone. Cephas had one to himself, and his wife another one, and two old maids, sisters of Cephas'ses who always made a point of attendin' funerals, they each one of 'em had one.

Then everybody tried to talk at once, and one chap got off a joke, but it warn't no use, they didn't laugh, and even the chap that made the joke didn't laugh at it, which ain't usual. We all just settled down glum, and watched the bar'l, and was oneasy and oncomfortable.

Though I did take a few short journeys on it, to please him. But I felt sort o' uneasy while I was a ridin' on it, same as you feel when you are goin' up-hill with a heavy load and a little horse. You kinder stand on your feet, and lean forward, as if your bein' oncomfortable, and standin' up, helped the horse some. I had a good deal of that restless feelin', and oneasy.

I will have the best for myself, instead of practicin' self-denial and economy. Then I'm always wantin' to get some second-hand victuals to give away, but I daresn't. You see I read the Bible sometimes, and it's the most awfully oncomfortable book that ever was written.

He's got to have a wife at home to make him oncomfortable if he comes in dhrunk, he's got to have little prattlin' childher that he can't sind to th' Young Ladies' academy onless he stuffs a ballotbox properly, an' he's got to have a sthrong desire f'r to live in th' av'noo an' be seen dhrivin' downtown in an open carredge with his wife settin' beside him undher a r-red parasol.

And I sot up straight and oncomfortable in another one on 'em, stark alone. Cephas had one to himself, and his wife another one, and two old maids, sisters of Cephas'ses who always made a point of attendin' funerals, they each one of 'em had one.