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The Brethren are then introduced, and due homage is paid to their new Master, after which the other officers are obligated to the faithful discharge of their respective trusts, invested with their insignia of office, and receive the appropriate charge. This ceremony must be repeated at every annual election and change of officers.

You're obligated to make up a total deficiency of nearly a million at the bank; your loans have been called, and mine have been called, and the stock is forfeit for the debt. You've lost your stock that you bought on a margin and unless you can take up these loans, every blessed share of Navajoa will go to Stoddard and his bank." "To Stoddard!

In this covenant Israel is obligated to loyalty, service and worship, while Jehovah is to continue to protect and deliver them. This covenant is commonly called "The Law of Moses." All the rest of the Old Testament is a development of this fundamental law and shows the application of it in the experience of Israel. The Purpose of the Mosaic Law.

To have been brought to this shameful state, to lie there watching a woman, a mere girl, perform these menial tasks for him for him who had execrated and despised and scorned her sex for him who had accepted such services grudgingly even from men for him who had stalked around the world in defiant independence, indebted to no man and obligated to no woman: this was odious and intolerable.

It was with great difficulty that I got him pacified; but unfortunately the joke was oure good to be forgotten, and when it was afterwards spread abroad, as it happened to take its birth in my house, it was laid to my charge, and many a time was I obligated to tell all about it, and how it couldna be meant for me, but had been incurred by Bailie Pirlet's conceit of spinning out long perjink speeches.

But suppose that that servant had disputed the claim, and had put in an appeal to justice instead of an appeal to mercy, upon the ground that inasmuch as he had lost his property and had nothing to pay with, therefore he was not obligated to pay, think you that the king would have conceded the equity of the claim?

I suspected it; but now that I am sure, I want to tell you at once how pleased I was with it. You are beyond your years; always keep on and remember that on Sunday, December 11, 1853, you obligated yourself to become a great master. Your pleased and devoted friend, Many works which had been unknown to Parisian audiences were given at these concerts and nowhere else.

McWade was angry. His indignation flamed. Vigorously he denied the charge of unfairness. A spirited argument ensued, with Stoner asserting that the firm was morally obligated to protect its clients to a greater extent than merely by returning their money, and with McWade as stoutly maintaining that all obligations, moral and legal, were canceled with the repurchase of the stock.

All predominantly Mohammedan lands are believed by Moslems to constitute "Dar-ul-Islam," which is in a sense the joint possession of all Moslems and which all Moslems are jointly obligated to defend. That is the reason why alien encroachments on any Moslem land are instantly resented by Moslems at the opposite end of the Moslem world, who could have no possible material interest in the matter.

"You always did have a head for thinkin' up things, Dick, and this here'll sorter split the difference, and ease matters so as " "Yes, and our two old women can draw straws, if they've got a mind to, and see which of them is obligated to make the fust call," interrupted Dick. "Jist heft him, old feller," urged one of them. "Ain't he a whopper, though!" exclaimed the other.