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"That'll do, boys; we'll let Gallagher hit it a few times now," he sang out, when he saw that the weaker ones among the shovelers were stumbling numbly and throwing wild. "Get back to the car and thaw yourselves out." The safety-valve of the 206 was stuttering under a gratifying increase of steam pressure when the superintendent climbed to the canvas-shrouded cab.

"Why are you standing here like this? You may be SEEN!" Seen! Suppose he WERE seen? He shuddered a little. "Yes; that's so!" he said hoarsely. He glanced numbly up and down the wide, deserted, but well-lighted, avenue. It was no place, that most aristocratic section of the city, for such as Silver Mag and Larry the Bat to be seen at that hour of night, or, rather, morning.

A faint aureole of light crept up back of the pass. "Dawn at last!" Jack breathed, in relief. "Firio! Firio! Up with you!" "Oh-yuh!" yawned Firio. ", !" he said, rising numbly to his feet and rubbing his eyes with his fists, while he tried to comprehend an astonishing reversal of custom. Usually he awakened his camp-mate; but this morning his camp-mate had awakened him.

He heard the decision placing the responsibility on the men from Denver, saw the sheriff and his deputies step forward and lay firm hands on their arms and lead them away; and then was aroused by the heavy entrance of the camp undertaker to make ready, for the quiet sleep, the body of Bells Park, the engineer. "He belongs to us," said Dick numbly; "to Bill and me. He died for the Croix d'Or.

There is the man whom we all know, stupid, unimaginative, whose brain is bitten numbly by numb maggots; who walks generously with wide-spread, tentative legs, falls frequently in the gutter, and who sees, in the extremity of his ecstasy, blue mice and pink elephants. He is the type that gives rise to the jokes in the funny papers. The other type of drinker has imagination, vision.

I remembered that at the time of the Great Earthquake of 1906 many claimed they awakened some moments before the first shock and that during these moments they experienced strange feelings of dread. Was San Francisco again to be visited by earthquake? I lay for a full minute, numbly expectant, but there occurred no reeling of walls nor shock and grind of falling masonry. All was quiet.

"He is going away," Madison continued; "and he is to send more money here for the 'cause' when I ask for it only you are not to know, because you might be diffident about taking it after refusing him." She stared at him numbly there was no sarcasm in his words; in his tones only a sort of dreary monotony. She shivered a little how cold it seemed!

It will be sent here as soon as it arrives." Soames wondered numbly just how indiscreet she'd been, in a short-wave conversation that could be picked up by any of the other-nation bases that cared to listen in. But, just then, Gail came out of the ship. "Brad," she said anxiously, "what are the boys doing?" Soames knew only too well.

Absurd to give up hope because a letter did not come by the first possible post! A hundred things might have happened to cause a delay; and, even if it had been posted in time, the post-office was not always infallible. Mrs Farrell recalled stories of belated letters from her own experience, and related them at length, while Mollie went numbly about her work.

And now she sat in her own room, numbly, blindly feeling herself, like one to whom the first warning of an internal deadly disease has been manifested. She was conscious of something within herself which she could not get at, over which she had no control. With quivering lips she sat and wondered what she could do to hurt this man.