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"Oh, 'plendid!" she cried, watching him with fascinated eyes. "Now take dray, big, 'normous puffs! Take dray, big, 'NORMOUS puffs!" George took great, big, enormous puffs. She declared that she loved to watch men smoke, and William's heart, as he sat on the distant fence, was wrung and wrung again by the vision of her playful ecstasies.

"I know what's happened," said the shiftless one suddenly. "I kin tell you why they follow us so bold." "What's the reason, Sol?" "You know all them 'normous tigers and hijeous monsters we've been talkin' 'bout, that's been dead a hundred thousan' years. Thar souls comin' down through other animals hev gone straight into our pack o' wolves thar. They ain't wolves really.

Nesta reminded him of certain verses he had written to celebrate her visit to the place when she was a child: "And then along the pier we sped, And there we saw a Whale He seemed to have a Normous Head, And not a bit of Tail!" 'Manifestly a foreigner to our shores, where the exactly inverse condition rules, Colney said.

Mead's dog hadn't hurt my kitten I thought he had shooken it to death, you know father looked awful solemn and said I must never say that again about a kitten. But I couldn't understand why, Mrs. Blythe. I felt awful thankful, and it must have been God that saved Stripey, because that Mead dog had 'normous jaws, and oh, how it shook poor Stripey. And so why couldn't I thank Him?

"We want to hear about the most beautiful thing in the world. Please tell it, Bishop!" "Well since you corner me," said the Bishop, his eyes on the larkspur, "I should say it is the wing of that pale blue butterfly, hovering above those deep blue flowers." Angel's face fell. "Oh, I didn't mean a little thing like that," he said. "I meant a 'normous, wonderful thing.

'I met a wolf in the street, says he, 'a 'normous wolf with a big, red mouf and AWFUL long teeth, Uncle Jim. 'I didn't know there was any wolves up at the Glen, says I. 'Oh, he comed there from far, far away, says Joe, 'and I fought he was going to eat me up, Uncle Jim. 'Were you scared? says I. 'No, 'cause I had a big gun, says Joe, 'and I shot the wolf dead, Uncle Jim, solid dead and then he went up to heaven and bit God, says he.

MRS. G. That last terrible night. CAPT. G. Then just you forget all about it. It has brought us very close together, my husband. There! CAPT. G. I gave her fifty dibs. MRS. G. So she told me. It was a 'normous reward. Was I worth it? Here's the khitmatgar. Two lumps or one, Sir? If thou hast run with the footmen and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses?

I'll tell you what I wish, Prudy. I wish the whole world was a 'normous cling-stone peach, so I could keep eating for always, and never come to the stone." "I don't know," replied Prudy, pleasantly. "I believe I'd rather have it a Bartlett pear dead ripe." "H'm! You may have your old Bartnot pears, Prudy Parlin; nobody wants 'em but just you!

An' can't nobody ketch her tell one night her husban' watch her an' he see her jump outer her skin an' drop it on the he'rth an' turn to a 'normous black cat an' go up the chim'ly.

I don't smoke paper and ole carpets. I smoke cigars!" He had created the right impression, for Miss Pratt clapped her hands. "Oh, 'plendid! Light one, Untle Georgiecums! Light one ever 'n' ever so quick! P'eshus Flopit an' me we want see dray, big, 'normous man smoke dray, big, 'normous cigar!"