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Miss Pratt laughed her silvery laugh, murmured politely, and turned no freezing glance upon her neighbor. Indeed, it seemed that she was far from regarding him with the distaste anticipated by William and Joe Bullitt. "Flopit look so toot an' tunnin'," she was heard to remark. "Flopit look so 'ittle on dray, big, 'normous man's lap." Mr. Crooper laughed deprecatingly.

It was a glorious sight, an arch of varied splendor resting against the blue sky. "That isn't a rainbow," said Dotty; "it's a hail-bow!" "What a big, big, big bubbil!" shouted Katie. "She thinks somebody is blowing all that out of soapsuds, I s'pose," said Dotty; "I guess 'twould take a giant with a 'normous pipe don't you, Polly?"

Early in the afternoon they drove to Greyshot, stopping first of all at the toy shop. Raeburn, who was in excellent spirits, fully entered into the difficulties of Dolly's choice. At length a huge toy cat was produced. "Oh, I should like that one!" said Dolly, clapping her hands. "What a 'normous, gleat big cat it is!"

Nesta reminded him of certain verses he had written to celebrate her visit to the place when she was a child: "And then along the pier we sped, And there we saw a Whale He seemed to have a Normous Head, And not a bit of Tail!" 'Manifestly a foreigner to our shores, where the exactly inverse condition rules, Colney said.

This view of the matter so tickled Raeburn that he left Ralph and Dolly to see the "'normous gleat big cat" wrapped up, and went out of the shop laughing. But just outside, a haggard, wild-looking man came up to him and began to address him in excited tones. "You are the vile atheist, Luke Raeburn!" he cried, "Oh, I know you well enough.

Everything was too sad and people too bad, and then one day, behold, the Man with the halo was busy making ten fish out of one little tiny minney for Peter who was hungry, and had a 'normous appetite like our Peter's, when a woman came running down the road. Everybody looked at her, but she went on. And when she came near the Man with the halo, she fell on her knees and He stopped his work.

So you have got her," he added, eyeing the draped form in the background. "Yes," replied Saturius doubtfully. "Good, your services shall be remembered. You were ever a discreet and faithful agent. Did the bidding run high?" "Oh! my lord, enormous, ee normous. I never heard such bidding," and he stretched out his hands. "Impertinence! Who dared to compete with me?" remarked Domitian.

Well, once upon a time there was a man named Jonah. And he had to go to Nineveh to tell the people how bad they were. But he didn't want to go; so he didn't. He ran away in a ship. "And when he got into the ship, he lay down and went to sleep. And the ship started, and pretty soon the wind began to blow terribly hard, and there were 'normous great waves, and the ship got all tippy.

I told 'em I was a stranger, and hurried away. They were from my country, and ondoubtedly represented a thrifty Ile well somewhere in Pennsylvany. It's a common thing, by the way, for a old farmer in Pennsylvany to wake up some mornin' and find ile squirtin all around his back yard. He sells out for 'normous price, and his children put on gorgeous harness and start on a tower to astonish people.

"I like that 'normous big tent an' that tiny little one I like that balloon man I like that little darky baby isn't he black as the ace of space, Miss Theodosia! Oh, I like every blade o' sawdust!" Her laugh trilled out gayly. "But we haven't seen it yet the show." "Miss Theodosia! You don't honest mean we're goin' in? Stefana, she does she means! We're goin' in!" As of course they were.