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Updated: August 21, 2024

If you are turned chicken-hearted, why, the game's up, that's all the game's up with us both." "Chicken-hearted? No. I have not lived so long upon the account to start at last, neither for Devil nor Dutchman." Well then, take another schnaps the cold's at your heart still. And now tell me, are any of your old crew with you?" "Nein all dead, shot, hanged, drowned, and damned.

"Ach! and so had he, too, until he remembered his own skin, and went off with the only horse and all the powder, leaving her and the rest of us to starve. Well, you won't go, and Prinsloo won't go, nor my boy either, for I'll see to that; so Meyer must go." "Nein, nein, good vrouw," answered Meyer, "I have those children that are left to me to consider."

"Nein, nein, mein Herr!" said the countess, as she wiped her mild blue eyes and shook her blond curls. "Nicht mehr! nicht mehr!" With a deep, snorting sob the sound ceased. The comb dropped from his lips, and the player sat regarding them solemnly. A smile curved his big lips. "Ja," he said simply, "that was great music. I have made it myself, that music."

Nein! what pretty words are words that promise, and how well they fill the mouth in default of other things! Mordioux! After having met with so many who promised, when shall I find one who will give? But, let that pass!" continued D'Artagnan. "What are you doing here, my dear Athos? Are you the king's treasurer?" "How why the king's treasurer?"

"And all them chains and rings, be they gold too?" "Not true golt; nein, nein, I might not say dat. But goot enough golt for blain folks, like you and me."

"Sappermint nein, Mein Herr; but he has just been to pay his respects to his Excellency the new Charge d'Affaires." In the name of all patience, I ask, who could endure this? From the hour of my arrival I am haunted by this one image the Charge d'Affaires.

"Nor none of the foremen?" "None." "Has Snipe been round?" "Hasn't been near the office since Mr. Surrey dismissed him." "Met him anywhere?" "Nein!" laughing, "I haven't laid eyes on him." "Well, the men have been saying or doing something then." "N-no; why, what an inquisitor it is!" "'N-no. You don't say that full and plain, Abram. Something has been going wrong with the men. Now what is it?

"Nein," replied Poons, who knew what she meant when he saw the book. Then he added in German that he had been so thoroughly occupied in practising that he had no time, but that he had something of great importance that he wanted to say to her. Jenny almost shook her head off trying to make it clear that she didn't understand a word he said. "Fräulein Chenny," he began again, but gave it up.

And now tell me, are any of your old crew with you? 'Nein; all dead, shot, hanged, drowned, and damned. Brown was the last. All dead but Gipsy Gab, and he would go off the country for a spill of money; or he'll be quiet for his own sake; or old Meg, his aunt, will keep him quiet for hers. 'Which Meg? 'Meg Merrilies, the old devil's limb of a gipsy witch. 'Is she still alive? 'Yaw.

I then started off to see Billwock, and squeeze some money out of him. Where was he? He was down getting a boat ready to go fishing with Mr. Blissam that afternoon, she said. Confound Blissam! Had Mr. Billwock left any word for me? "Nein; not ein wort." I found where he was and started for him.

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