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Then Gudrun asked, in a voice that was quite cool and casual, as if resuming a casual conversation: 'Was the girl a model? 'Nein, sie war kein Modell. Sie war eine kleine Malschulerin. 'An art-student! replied Gudrun. And how the situation revealed itself to her!

She can't, you know, make life miserable and information bitter to a German who speaks no English. 'Ja' or 'nein' alternately and interchangeably may baffle even her skill in questioning." Mary, meanwhile, was hurrying along the way to Camelot. She had not planned the expedition in advance. Rather, it was the inevitable reaction toward license which marks the success of any revolution.

Grundy. Lessing felt this when he wrote his brilliant quatrain: Wer wird nicht einen Klopstock loben, Doch wird ihn jeder lesen? Nein! Wir wollen weniger erhoben Und fleissiger gelesen sein,

"Ya," said the man-mountain with the napkin. "Well, then, open the door, pray I'm going to stop here." "Nein." "No! What do you mean by that? Has not Lord Callonby engaged rooms here?" "Ya." "Well, then, I am a particular friend of his, and will stay here also." "Nein."

"Oh, nein," said the tavern-keeper mildly. "I don't keep moofers mit my house. Dey goes a little furter." "You don't keep movers!" said Grandma Padgett indignantly. "What's your tavern for?" "Oh, yah," replied the host with undisturbed benevolence. "Dey goes a little furter." "Why have you put out a sign to mislead folks?" The tavern keeper took the pipe out of his mouth to look up at his sign.

At last he sank down on a chair in front of the Titian, and when Miklos approached, delicately suggesting that the picture, though certainly fine, showed traces of one of the later pupils, possibly Molari, in certain parts, Herr Schwarz waved him aside. "Nein, nein! Hold your tongue, my dear sir! Here must I judge for myself."

It was a perfunctory enquiry, however, and was soon completed. Naturally upon its conclusion I considered that I would be free to resume my journey. I turned to my interpreter. "Now this is all over I suppose I can go?" "Ach! nein zoo tant doh!" His English was so vile that I thought he said and meant "ah! at nine you can go!"

She would drop in at Doctor Thalmann's house and walk with him to temple, if he had not already gone. "Nein, der Herr Rabbi ist noch hier sure," the maid said in answer to Fanny's question. The Thalmann's had a German maid one Minna who bullied the invalid Mrs. Thalmann, was famous for her cookies with walnuts on the top, and who made life exceedingly difficult for unlinguistic callers.

"What the devil are you at, with your ya and nein?" said I. "Has your confounded tongue nothing better than a monosyllable to reply with."

She shook her head with a smile, and he laughed as if the implied suspicion of her refusal was the best joke in the world. "Nein, nein, little friend," he said, "I shall not doctor you again. My days of doctoring have passed." She had expected to find the farm in occupation, but apparently they were the only people there.