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When Houghton was disposed to consider a college man for a vacancy, Kaufmann had always been ready with his "practical man dot has vorked hiss vay." And the college applicant had been sent away. Young Johann Kaufmann graduated from grammar school. Houghton suggested high school and college. "Vat? Nein!" said the elder Kaufmann. "I show him how better the gum to make." And he did.

"Nein; I don't valks, miss; ven I ish god dings to pring abbles or botatoes or some dings else I say to mine Shakey, 'Just hitch de harness on de horse and hang him to de stable door; or if I got nodings to pring I tells de poy, 'Hitch him up a horseback; den I comes in to mine vork and I tash! I don't hafs to valk nod a shtep."

The accompaniments she objected to no further than a fish is agitated in escaping from the hook; but 'Nein, nein! in her own language, and 'No, no! in his, burst from her lips whenever he attempted to transfer the fan to her keeping. 'These white women are most wonderful! thought Beppo, ready to stagger between perplexity and impatience.

All those tales about the rebels coming to burn and destroy are just tales, and nothing more. You understand what I'm saying well enough. Come, out with your information!" "Nein," said the German. "All right," said Dalton in a ferocious tone. "After all, we are the rebel ogres that you thought we were."

Rosenmeyer would not let Ikey help at all in the store. If a customer came in, the fat little storekeeper heaved himself up from his armchair and bade Ikey sit still. "Nein! It iss not for you, Ikey. Don't bodder 'bout the store yet. We haf changed de stock around, anyvay, undt you could not find it, p'r'aps, vot de lady vants.

"I coomes vrom Halle, in Preussen. Vat isht your vaterland?" "Be yees a Jew?" "Nein I isht a goot Christian. Vilt you haf Yankee Tootle?" "Yankee T'under! Ye'll wake up the masther, and he'll be displais'd, else ye might work upon t'at tchune till the end of time. That I should hear it here, in my own liberary, and ould Ireland t'ree thousand laigues away!"

"I'm just about fed up with this fool, too," said Ainsley disgustedly. "Look here, all of you! Watch me when the next light goes up. If you see me grab my pistol, pick your man and shoot." The voice of the German sergeant broke in: "Nein, nein!" and then in English: "You no shoot! You shoot, and uns shoot alzo!"

Nein I would have a lusthaus of mine own on the Middleburgh dyke, and a blumengarten like a burgomaster's." "Ay, and a wooden lion at the door, and a painted sentinel in the garden, with a pipe in his mouth! But, hark ye, Hatteraick; what will all the tulips, and flower-gardens, and pleasure-houses in the Netherlands do for you, if you are hanged here in Scotland?" Hatteraick's countenance fell.

"Nay, I advise no violence." "Nein, nein you leave that to me. Sturm-wetter! I know you of old. But, hark ye, what am I, Dirk Hatteraick, to be the better of this?" "Why, is it not your interest as well as mine?" said Glossin; "besides, I set you free this morning." "You set me free! Donner and deyvil! I set myself free.

"Nein," replied the woman, in a mixture of German and English, "it don't come any more in dot place; it be in a shtore now; it be good girl." "What, all day?" "Yaas, by six o'clock, and abends so spate. Not much it get, but my man can't earn nothing any more." And the woman, as she looked at him, wiped her eyes with the corner of her apron. "But, on Sunday?" Father Damon asked, still further.