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As Kennedy piled up his winnings superciliously, without even the appearance of triumph, a man behind me whispered, "A foreign nobleman with a system watch him." "Non, monsieur," said Kennedy quickly, having overheard the remark, "no system, sir. There is only one system of which I know." "What?" asked DeLong eagerly. Kennedy staked a large sum on the red to win. The black came up, and he lost.

"Non te peto, piscem peto; Quid me fugis, Galle?" But the Gaul was not fleeing, for after a while he stopped, and standing in one place began to turn with barely a slight movement, so as to have his enemy always in front, in his form and monstrously large head there was now something terrible.

And surely to one who had approached her in the dawn, while it was yet dark, of the ninth century, of mediaeval Europe that is, her words would have been those of the angels so long ago: Non est hic; sed surrexit. While to us to-day she would say: Venite et videte locum ubi positus erat Dominus. Ravenna, as we see her to-day, is like no other city in Italy.

But to continue: that I might not appear to act in mine own cause, I ordered the prisoner to be tried in my absence. "Ay, and you changed colour." "Well I might: in his trial, I say, he has confessed that nine of the loftiest lords of Rome were his instigators. They sup with me tonight! Vicar, forwards!" "Questo ha acceso 'i fuoco e la fiamma laquale non la par spotegnere."

We have shown, on the other hand, that the nature of man is not harmoniously and synthetically constituted, but formed by an agglomeration of the potentialities specialized in each creature, a circumstance which, in revealing to us the principle of the disorders committed by human liberty, has finished the demonstration of the non- divinity of our race.

A short walk to a tall tree backing the village showed us, amongst twenty-five European graves, five tombs or cenotaphs of English naval officers, amongst whom two fell victims to mangrove-oysters, and the rest to the deadly "calenture" of the lower Congo. We entered the foul mass of huts, "Domus non ullo robore fulta Sed sterili junco cannaque intecta palustri."

To the gateman EVERY ONE was persona non grata without proper credentials, and Edison had to wait outside until he could get some one to identify him. On entering the main building the first doorway from the ample passage leads the visitor into a handsome library finished throughout in yellow pine, occupying the entire width of the building, and almost as broad as long.

You might sell your rights of discovery, might not you?" "Non! Non! There is othaire thing, there is a most good possibilitee, thees mother lode, Mistaire Steering, it come out, I think it come out somewhere, eh? Mistaire Steering, have you got leetle mawney?" "That's exactly how much, Uncle Bernique, a little."

"Signorino," he began at once, in a low voice that was full of the pressure of an intense excitement. "Tell me! Where were you last night when we were making the fireworks go off?" Maurice felt the blood mount to his face. "Close to where you left me," he answered. "Oh, signore! Oh, signore!" It was almost a cry. The sweat was pouring down the boy's face. "Ma non è mia colpa!

Je me suis peu étendu sur la description du pays depuis Vienne jusqu'ici, parce qu'il est connu; quant aux autres que j'ai parcourus dans mon voyage, si j'en publie la relation j'avertis ceux qui la liront que je l'ai entreprise, non par ostentation et vanité, mais pour instruire et guider les personnes qu'un même desir conduiroit dans ces contrées, et pour obéir