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take the lovely words of Beatrice to Virgil "Io son fatta da Dio, sua mercè, tale, Che la vostra miseria non mi tange, fiamma d'esto incendio non m'assale ..." take the simple, but perfect, single line "In la sua volontade è nostra pace." Take of Shakespeare a line or two of Henry the Fourth's expostulation with sleep

She may have been merely framing in her mind the word or two of English she was about to utter; but an excitement shone through her eyes and reddened her lips, and something sent out from her countenance a look of wild distress. "You goin' tell 'im?" she asked. "Who? Agricola?" "Non!" He spoke the next name more softly. "Honoré?"

O oui! ils tiennent parole; si non, tu le tueras, cousin; tu le ah! que je suis folle!" And the pitiful shrieks and laughter recommenced.

We examined our Prisoners, who tould us no news; non could understand them, although many Huron words weare in their language. We tooke another day, 2 before and the rest after, thee prisoners in the midle. We speedily went the rest of thee day through a burned country, and the trees blowne downe with some great windes. The fire over came all, over 15 leagues in length and 10 in breadth.

The short man, called Jim, was gesticulating wildly, and talking to Mother Meraut, and she, good soul, looked so wise, and said "Oui" and "Non," and nodded her head so intelligently to encourage him, that he never suspected that she did not understand one word in ten, and cast triumphant glances at the tall man to see if he was observing his success. At this moment a French Captain came by.

The sine qua non condition in the election of this functionary, whose business it is to pass judgment on the avalanche of commercial suits incessantly rolling through the courts, is that he shall have the greatest difficulty in managing his own affairs.

For the commercial towns were the chief seats of Whiggism and Non conformity; and the Universities were zealous for the Crown and the Church. Now, however, Oxford and Cambridge made common cause with London and Bristol.

She sits below the cross with a face full of tears and sorrow, lifting both her widespread arms to heaven, while on the stem of the tree above is written this legend, 'Non vi si pensa quanto sangue costa. The cross is of the same kind as that which was carried in procession by the White Friars at the time of the plague of 1348, and afterwards deposited in the Church of S. Croce at Florence.

The question is one of cognisance or non- cognisance on the part of the new germs, of the more profound impressions made on them while they were one with their parents, between the occasion of their last preceding development and the new course on which they are about to enter. Weismannites, and with them the orthodoxy of English science, find non-cognisance more acceptable.

Barney held his canoe steady for a moment. "Went up last night, did he?" "Oui. Tom Martin on de Beeg Horn camp he's go ver' seeck. He send for M'sieu Boyle." "Did he go up alone?" "Oui. He's not want nobody. Non. He's good man on de canoe." It was an awkward situation.