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'Mamma said I should come because I am just your age, thirteen and a half, she said. 'I'm Mysie, though my proper name is Maria Millicent. Dolores looked her over. She was a good deal taller than herself, and had rich-looking shining brown hair, dark brown eyes full of merriment, and a bright rosy colour, and she danced on her active feet as if she were full of perpetual life.

"And your little lad is my lad fra this hour, dearie!" The dying lips parted, and Mysie knew they had spoken a blessing for her. Nothing was found upon the woman that could identify her, nothing except a cruel letter, which evidently came from the girl's father; but even in this there was neither date nor locality named.

'It's like the halls of Ivor, said Mysie, awestruck by the loneliness; 'no dog, nor horse, nor cow, not even a goose, 'And what a place to sketch! cried Miss Vincent. 'Oh, Gillian, we must come here another day. 'Oh, may we gather the flowers? exclaimed the insatiable Primrose. 'Those poetic narcissuses would be delicious for the choir screen, added Gillian.

But Mysie was now on her guard, and, conscious of the vicinity of the wood-hole, offered such strenuous resistance, that the swain cursed the nymph's bad humour with very unpastoral phrase and emphasis, and ran up stairs to relieve the guard of his comrade.

The romantic imagination of the gallant would soon have coined some compliment proper for the occasion, but Mysie left him not time. "I come," she said, "to save your life, which is else in great peril if you answer me, speak as low as you can, for they have sentinelled your door with armed men."

Perhaps this circumstance occasioned the honest Miller's including Glendearg, on this occasion, in his annual round Dame Glendinning received with pleasure a visit which she used formerly only to endure with patience; and she had changed her view of the matter chiefly, if not entirely, because Hob had brought with him his daughter Mysie, of whose features she could give so slight an account, but whose dress she had described so accurately to the Sub-Prior.

Draw, sir, and defend yourself, if you are a man! and with these words I leapt at the monster, and collared him, while Nora made the air echo with her screams; at the sound of which the other captain and Mysie hastened up.

And you'll forget and leave off writing, like Maude Sefton. 'Never! cried Mysie. 'Eight across the world you will always be my own twin cousin. The wishes of the girl were so far fulfilled that Lady Merrifield took her to London to provide her outfit, and Mysie accompanied them. A room and its dressing-room received the three at old Mrs.

"Couldna he hae slippit it gently into my hand?" said Caleb; "but his honour will never learn how to bear himsell in siccan cases." Mysie, in the mean time, according to a uniform custom in remote places in Scotland, offered the strangers the produce of her little dairy, "while better meat was getting ready."

Between Mysie and Robin, with some of his companions, a paction was made that she should keep her tryst with Swaby, and settle on a time and place for him to come to the delusion of expecting to find Martha Swinton; Robin covenanting that between him and his friends the cavalier should meet with a lemane worthy of his love.