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Updated: August 13, 2024

Trent," he said after a few moments. "There are some things I can tell you that may be useful to you. I know your record. You are a smart man, and I like dealing with smart men. I don't know if I have that detective sized up right, but he strikes me as a mutt.

But more especially, the trouble was about Chippie's fox terrier, Blaster. "The lad of course can't go along with us, Out There, on account of school and his Mom," Two-and-Two said sentimentally, on one of those final evenings. "So he figures his mutt should go in his place. Shucks, maybe he's right! A lady mutt first made it into orbit, ahead of any people, remember?

"But why don't you go up after him?" "How 'n blazes can I?" exploded the detective. "He's got th' night car. 'F I takes the stairs, he comes down by th' shaft, 'nd how'm I tuh trust this here mutt?" He indicated his associate but humbler custodian of the peace with a disgusted gesture. "Perhaps one of the other cars will run " Maitland suggested.

The dose consisted of about 200 shells, administered in quantities, first, of six at a time, then ten, then twenty-five. One of the fellows nearest me again ventured the remark that he thought our number was up, and I just had enough vocal power left to curse him roundly for a damn fool. "You know what happened Lawrence, don't you? Cheer up, you mutt! They will never get my number."

You haven't been around to see me, by the way. You and Hall must think a confidence-man isn't a proper acquaintance." "We're coming around soon, Miller. The fact is, I well, I made such a mutt of myself that last time " "Oh, nonsense! That's all right, Edwards. Don't let that worry you. Besides, you took my advice, I guess, and that squares it. Mind if I give you some more, by the way?"

'No Burgundy, sir? 'No, my lord; there is no Burgundy on board. 'No Burgundy, sir! do you dare to tell me that? 'Upon my soul, my lord, cried Maddox, dropping on his knees, 'there is no Burgundy on board ask the ladies. 'Very well, sir, you may go. 'Cook, what have you got for dinner? 'Sir, a haunch of mutt of venison, my lord, replied the cook, with his white nightcap in his hand.

You hustled me out of the show soon as the huggin' commenced. You wouldn't even let me stay to see the first of Mutt and Jeff. You said you was in a hurry. I leaves the show without seein' the best part, gits the car an' drills through the traffic tryin' to git yuh home quick. Now you're kickin' because I did hurry." "Hey!

"Orry, you stale mutt," this from an Americanized Pole, without a trace of foreign accent, "I'm too glad to see you to talk much about it. When we bombers got back from the raid that night and neither you nor Lafe had showed up, I felt bad enough. Later when Lafe came in with a German plane and a half dead Boche inside, we felt better. But we missed you, Orry." "Did you really and truly miss me?"

When I looks at my clock I thinks they ought to lay a thousand-to-one against the mutt, after he starts a couple of times. Just then somethin' comes 'n' stands in front of me 'n' begins to make little squeaky noises. "'Are you Mr. Blister? it says. "I bats my eyes 'n' nods. "'I've got 'em again, I thinks. "'Oh, what a relief! it squeaks. 'I just thought I'd never find you.

"'You an exercise-boy now? he asks Joe. "'Not yet, says Joe. 'Mu cousin here owns this trick, 'n' I'm givin' him a work. "'Up kind-a early, ain't you? Say! He's good, ain't he, Joe? says Izzy; 'n' looks at the bird close. "'Naw, he's a mutt, says Joe. "'What's he doin' with his mouth open at the end of that mile? Izzy says, 'n' laughs. "'He only runs it in fifty, says Joe, careless.

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