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Some were hatless and shoeless; some had sleeveless coats and tattered trousers: others had collars but no shirts; all had faces immersed in massive beards. Two-and-two abreast, they walked, in with an independent air, each provided with a Saunder's circular, and took up a position in a half-circle just behind the seats of the several members of the Congress.

Colonists are going there, to quit the Earth, to get away from it all. Two-and-Two was about to leave for Mercury, when I last spoke to him. By now he's probably almost there. And even under the most favorable conditions, Mercury is hard to beam too much solar magnetic interference." "That poor sap," Nelsen gruffed. "It probably isn't that bad, anymore," Hines commented.

But if we keep doing it here, all the kids and townspeople will be peeking over the fence to see how nuts we've gone." This was soon literally true. In some embarrassment, the Bunch rolled up their bubb and lugged it into the shop. "I can borrow a construction compressor unit on a truck," Two-and-Two offered. "And there's a farm I know..."

The gonfaloniere that ancient title of republican freedom still remaining walks behind, attired in antique robes. Next appear the municipality wealthy, oily-faced citizens, at this moment much overcome by the heat. Following these are the Lucchese nobles, walking two-and-two, in a precedence not prescribed by length of pedigree, but of age.

David Lester, the timid one, had become successful in his own way, and was the father of one of the first children to be born in the Belt. Two-and-Two Baines had won enough self-confidence to make cracks about the future. Gimp Hines, once the saddest case in the Whole Bunch, had been, for a long time, perhaps the best adjusted to the Big Vacuum.

But more especially, the trouble was about Chippie's fox terrier, Blaster. "The lad of course can't go along with us, Out There, on account of school and his Mom," Two-and-Two said sentimentally, on one of those final evenings. "So he figures his mutt should go in his place. Shucks, maybe he's right! A lady mutt first made it into orbit, ahead of any people, remember?

We're liable honest to gosh to go, aren't we?" "Some of us, maybe," Nelsen replied warily. "Sixty thousand bucks for the whole Bunch looks like a royal heap of cabbage to me." "Split among a dozen guys, it looks smaller," Two-and-Two persisted. "And you can earn royal dough on the Moon just for example. Plenty to pay back a loan." "Still, you don't pick loans off trees," Nelsen gruffed.

The Kuzaks were preparing two huge bundles of supplies, which they intended to tow. Reynolds was also loading up a few things, with Two-and-Two helping him. "I'm all set, Frank!" Two-and-Two shouted. "I'm going along with Charlie, maybe to crash the Venus exploration party!" "Good!" Frank shouted back, glad that this large, unsure person had found himself a leader.

Well, on the third day the funeral set out, and never was the equal of it in them parts: first, there was my father, he came special from Cork with the six horses all in new black, and plumes like little poplar-trees, then came Father Dwyer, followed by the two coadjutors in beautiful surplices, walking bare-headed, with the little boys of the Priory school, two-and-two."

Charlie Reynolds, the cool one, the most likely to succeed, waved jauntily and carelessly from his rotating, accelerating ring. Two-and-Two wagged both arms stiffly from his. Mitch Storey's bubb, lightest loaded, was jumping ahead. But you could hear him playing Old Man River on his mouth organ, inside his helmet.