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He left them there, moving ponderously forward to the heart of a small clearing, where he paced up and down, chin in hand. The three followers watched from a distance. "Nap or was it Wellington at Waterloo or somewhere!" jeered Werner in a low voice. "The mutt thinks the whole world is watching . . . and I ain't sure it ain't." Koppy waved his hand, and they rejoined him.

You want to make him feel like a mutt; and a mutt's the worst kind of a fool. You've got one against me." She looked before her between narrowed lids and faintly smiled the most disagreeable smile she was capable of. And yet for some too extraordinary reason he went on. But she had seen men go on before this when all the odds were against them. Sometimes their madness took them this way.

Together, the battered policeman and the detective who still had some strength left in him, raised Gabriel's limp body and carried it from the room. The woman, meanwhile, stood there inhaling cigarette-smoke and laughing viciously to herself. "You easy mutt!" she exclaimed. "Dead baby, room-rent due, wanted to get home to sister and you fell for that old gag with whiskers on it!

But he said nothing. "Billy, what " He turned shyly around to her; his hand touched hers softly. "Oh, I'm a beast," he said, rapidly, low, his undertone trembling to her ears through the laughter of a group next to them. "I didn't mean that, but I was I felt like such a mutt not being able to dance. Oh, Nelly, I'm awfully sorry. You know I didn't mean Come on! Let's go get something to eat!"

"I guess it'd seem rather fresh for me to tell you how I shall miss you," he said. "I said that first day that I didn't know how to tell you how I well, how I felt about you giving a mutt like me that big chance. You never thought I didn't know how little I did know, did you?" he inquired almost anxiously.

Another might suggest that he was hiding a great Sorrow, his whole Existence having been embittered by the faithlessness of some Creature. Then they would take a Vote and decide that he was a plain Mutt. The Chauncey who refuses to reciprocate will excite more Conversation than a regular Union Lover, but it is Lucky for him that he does not hear all the Conversation.

"She gave the pile a shove when he landed. He's got her number all right. But say, it was worth the price of admission to see that old mutt when he got up, he looked like Santa Claus. All the girls in the floor were there we nearly split trying to keep from giving him the ha-ha. And Ruby says, sympathetic, as she brushed him off, `I hope you ain't hurt, Mr. Waiters. He was sore!

Take off that light," he sings out. "I can't see where I'm runnin'. Take it off!" "Switch off yours, then, you mutt," says I, "and run your cheap sandwich gang back where they belong under the hominy vines." My, don't that raise a howl, though! They wanted to mob us for keeps then, and all sorts of junk begun to fly through the air. Then Cap'n Lennon took a hand.

"De odder mug was too busy catchin' up wit' his breat' to shoot it back swift, but after he's bin doin' de deep breathin' stunt for a while, he says, 'You mutt', he says, 'youse to de bad. You've made a break, you have. He put it different, but dat's what he meant. Den he says that he's a sleut', too. Does de Galer mug give him de glad eye? Not on your life.

I don't dare leave this window open, for fear you might be able to jump out. You've had your supper. And there's a pan of fresh water in there. You'll be no worse off there than you were all winter. A night in jail may teach you to be a decent, house-broke dog; and not a mutt." As he was on the way back to his study, in the sunset, the car came down the drive, bearing the Mistress.