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Updated: August 12, 2024

"No hurry, though: I'll be a widow some day, please God which is mor'n you can hope. But now we get to the point: an' the point is, you can pay the woman up. Cap'n Hunken can't." "Why not?" "He don't know it yet, but he can't." "So you said: an' Why not? I ask. Within a thousand pound 'Bias owns as much as I do."

'Sides, I guess shooting is mor'n my line than garrotting. I leave that to the East Coast Yellow-Stomachs." Braddock sat down and wiped his face. He saw plainly enough that he had not a leg to stand on, as Hervey was plainly innocent.

There were the husky voices of the street hawkers, the hoarse laughter, the quarrelling, the oaths, the rasping shouts of the butcher selling chunks of dark joints by auction, the screeches of the roast-potato man, and the smell of stale vegetables and fried fish. "Jow, 'ow much a pound for yer turmaters?" "Three pence; I gave mor'n that for 'em myself." "Garn!" "S'elp me, Gawd, I did, mum!"

I got it when he wasn't mor'n half grown. Ye'd bether git him a new one." When the man had gone, I stood and looked at the dog, and could not help hoping that he would learn to like me without the intervention of a thrashing. Such harsh methods were not always necessary, I felt sure.

Motherwell would go on, with a grieved air, "just as the busy time came on didn't she up and take the fever you never can depend on them English girls and when the doctor was outside there in the buggy waitin' for her he took her to the hospital I declare if we didn't find her blubberin' over them poppies, and not a flower on them no mor'n nothing."

Instead of spendin' our hard-earned money with that old wretch, Ned, let's go up in a body to the house an' inquire fer the sick lad. We can't do nuthin', I know, but mebbe it'll please the old man an' his daughter to know that we ain't fergotten the brave little boy. An' come to think further it's no mor'n our duty. That lad saved one of us from death, an' the one that was saved, saved me.

"Next you know, both you an' Sarah Libbie will be under the sod," Willie had tauntingly called after the lagging swain, as he passed the house one afternoon on his way from the village. "What on earth you're waitin' for is mor'n I can see." The discomfited coast guard hung his head sheepishly. "It's all right for you to talk, Willie Spence," he replied over his shoulder.

It's a farmer's lodging; honest men, who'd stare and go mad to see a feller like you about. Go along, I tell you, or I'll call Jim. He'll know what to do with you." "Then, he'll know mor'n I do myself," mumbled the detective, with a crushed and discouraged air. "Money and not a place to spend it in!

I hear talk 'bout some massys goin' arter dem an' bringin' back mor'n dey had in de fust place. Were there any Negroes of your acquaintance who were skilled in any particular line of work, if so give details? The Turners made furniture wid knobs an' bumps on just like that stand and bed. They made fancy chairs an' put cowhide seats stretch-across 'em.

And Tod, for various reasons, did what he could to show his appreciation of the old woman's nobility. "Yo' sho' do give proper weight to us-all." Sally often told him. "Things do las' mor'n one could expect, fo' de money." "I ain't goin' to run the risk of any pesky government investigation," Greeley replied. "Better be on the safe side, I reckon."

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