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Updated: August 12, 2024

"I hope they'll be all right careful of them pianos and not mishandle them so they'll get out of tune." "So, senor, you are American," said Chaves, in English, with a sinister smile. O'Connor shrugged, answering in Spanish: "I am Romany. Who shall say, whether American, or Spanish, or Bohemian? All nations call to me, but none claim me, senor." The lieutenant continued to smile his meaning grin.

"I would have you go back to the Thracian mountains," he said. "I have tried both, boy, and I can tell you that there is no pleasure which power can bring which can equal the breath of the wind and the smell of the kine upon a summer morning. Against you they have no quarrel. Why should they mishandle you? Keep far from Rome and the Romans. Old Eudoxus has money, and to spare.

"Why!" the foremost of them cried. "These are not the men! These are not the men at all! They are not in the least like them!" "Not in the least like Lupercus and Rufinus, certainly," another added. "What a pack of asses you are!" cried a third, "to mishandle two strangers. Couldn't you look at them before you mauled them?" "We all took them for Rufinus and Lupercus," the head huntsman rejoined.

Do the teeth close, I am no worse off than my son." "Your death makes your son's no easier." "Why, what else to do, Rosny?" Monsieur exclaimed. "Mishandle the lady? Storm Paris? Sell the Cause?" "I would we could storm Paris," Rosny sighed. "It would suit me better to seize the prisoner than to sue for him. But Paris is not ripe for us yet. You know my plan to send to Villeroi.

"I must know how Harry does and make sure that he has the best there is for him. Surgery and friends he will need both, sound and sure." "Be satisfied. I shall well provide him." Captain McBean shook his head. "Damn your infernal impudence." Colonel Boyce's temper gave way. "Od's life, sir, this is infamous. You put upon me that I would mishandle my own son as he lies wounded and near death!

"But I have ever observed that the foremost in the field are they who would scorn to mishandle a prisoner. By St. Paul! it is not they who carry the breach who are wont to sack the town, but the laggard knaves who come crowding in when a way has been cleared for them. But what is this among the trees?"

"Truly, holy fathers," said the archer in French as they came abreast of them, "you have beaten enough for to-day. The road is all spotted like a shambles at Martinmas. Why should ye mishandle yourselves thus?"

"But even if my ideals be too lofty, would you have me descend from the height of such a pinnacle to the level of the Lord Giovanni a weak-spirited craven, as witnesses the manner in which he permitted the Borgias to mishandle him; a cruel and unjust tyrant, as witnesses his dealing with you, to seek no further instances; a weak, ignorant, pleasure-loving fool, devoid of wit and barren of ambition?

Often they make serious mistakes in the first few days. Often they mishandle and spoil the beautiful relationship on which they have entered to their own disgust and disappointment. Uncounted couples to-day have reason for the bitterness with which they complain that nobody ever taught or helped them. In fact the policy of silence is as cruel as its assumptions are untrue.

That's a tip for you when I'm gone. Besides, masters generally mishandle affairs of this sort. I rather fancy I'll put it to Aspinall when he pulls through." "Do. One thing, though, is pretty certain. He'll never get his cap as long as I'm captain of the footer eleven. I'd rather come out of it myself." "Of course. I see there's no help for that, but, all the same, it will make complications.

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