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'Do you value Fielding's opinion? he asked. 'Oh, I don't know. On some subjects I think yes. Don't you? Mallinson began to wonder immediately whether Fielding's opinions might not be valuable after all, since Mrs. Willoughby valued them. If so, the man might be able to throw some light upon other points for instance, the perplexing question of Miss Le Mesurier's inclinations.

"In another five years he shall try again," said Henry, savagely, to himself, "and we shall see whether it will be 'not known' then!" The letter expressed the writer's pleasure in the extracts he had seen from Mr. Mesurier's book, and hoped that when his next book was ready, he would give the writer an opportunity of publishing it. Fortune was beginning already to smile.

The Bible and the sermons of a certain famous Nonconformist Divine of the day were James Mesurier's favourite and practically his only reading, at this time; though as a young man he had picked up a fair education for himself, and had taken a certain interest in modern history. For novels he had not merely disapproval, but absolutely no taste.

Miss Le Mesurier repeated her question impatiently, and Fielding suddenly realised that Miss Le Mesurier's pique might prove useful in setting matters right. He determined to encourage it. 'None that I'm aware of, he replied. 'Mrs. Willoughby, of course, would be likely to know first. 'Why? 'Haven't you noticed? They have struck up a great friendship lately always pair off together, you know.

It was a kindly recognition of Mesurier's rumoured interest in literature. Henry looked at him in amazement. "Oh, you read then!" he exclaimed. Of anything so human as reading he had suspected no one in that office. Then as to the great Mr. Perkins, the time came when he was to prove very human indeed.

Once more the organ triumphant, and the mellow splashing of the water. Dear little Dot, she had done it! "Did you see father's face?" Esther whispered to Henry. Yes; perhaps none of them would ever do such a beautiful thing as Dot had done that night. At least there was one of James Mesurier's children who had not disappointed him.

That alternative would, perhaps, be the more diverting of the two. He must consult Mrs. Willoughby as to the effect which Drake's bearing would produce on women consult her cautiously, prudence warned him. Mrs. Willoughby, a cousin and friend of Miss Le Mesurier's, was not of the sort to lend a helping hand in the game if the girl was to provide the sport or indeed in the other event.

Le Mesurier's house on the day after the date of the dissolution was fixed. He noticed that she looked worn. There were shadows about her eyes, her colour had lost its freshness, and there was a melancholy droop about the corners of her mouth. Fielding suggested the advisability of a change. 'I'm to have one, said she. 'I'm going down to stay with my uncle at Bentbridge in a week's time.

Of course I don't know. Clarice has given up confiding in me. But I really think you are unwise. Drake sat staring in front of him. He was considering Mallinson's visit in conjunction with the reappearance of the emerald ring upon Miss Le Mesurier's finger. 'All the same, he said at length, 'I shall wait.

Le Mesurier's habit of shifting responsibilities, and while he said nothing at the moment, called upon Mrs. Willoughby the next day and questioned her openly. Mrs. Willoughby admitted that there were disagreements, but believed them not to be deep. 'The first year, she said, 'is as a rule a trying time. There are illusions to be sloughed. People may come out all the stronger in the end. Mrs.