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Updated: August 20, 2024

"It would be kind to posterity," replied Tom. "If you have so much time to spare, which I very much doubt," said MacBean, "you will employ it better in visiting a very pretty place and a curious.

So she tempts her in, saying that the room were all smartened and fine wi' flags; and there was them in the room as told me that they never were so startled as when they saw our Sylvie's face peeping in among all t' flustered maids and men, rough and red wi' weather and drink; and Jem Macbean, he said she were just like a bit o' apple-blossom among peonies; and some man, he didn't know who, went up and spoke to her; an' either at that, or at some o' t' words she heard for they'd got a good way on afore that time she went quite white and mad, as if fire were coming out of her eyes, and then she turned red and left the room, for all t' landlady tried to laugh it off and keep her in.

You know, Sir, what Macrobius has told us of Julia. JOHNSON. 'This lady of yours, Sir, I think, is very fit for a brothel. Mr. Macbean, authour of the Dictionary of ancient Geography, came in. He mentioned that he had been forty years absent from Scotland. 'Ah, Boswell! Williams, and Mr. Levet, dined with us. Mrs.

'An acquaintance, on whose veracity I can depend, told me, that walking home one evening to Kilmarnock, he heard himself called from a wood, by the voice of a brother who had gone to America; and the next packet brought accounts of that brother's death. Macbean asserted that this inexplicable CALLING was a thing very well known. Dr.

"Now that MacBean, the doctor, you know: did you hear what he said about the fresh water coming down from the hills in the rainy season, and making gaps in the coral because fresh water killed the insects that make the coral?" "Yes, I heard him," said Strachan, wondering what fault Green could find with what seemed to him a very lucid explanation.

You know, Sir, what Macrobius has told us of Julia. JOHNSON. 'This lady of yours, Sir, I think, is very fit for a brothel. Mr. Macbean , authour of the Dictionary of ancient Geography, came in. He mentioned that he had been forty years absent from Scotland. 'Ah, Boswell! Williams, and Mr. Levet, dined with us. Dr. Johnson made a remark, which both Mr. Macbean and I thought new.

Taylor, at Ashbourne, it would not be a great journey to come thither. We may pass a few most agreeable days there by ourselves, and I will accompany you a good part of the way to the southward again. Pray think of this. 'You forget that Mr. Shaw's Erse Grammar was put into your hands by myself last year. Lord Eglintoune put it into mine. I am glad that Mr. Macbean approves of it.

But he died, and his paper died after him; and of all this grace, and tact, and courage, it must seem to our blind eyes as if there had come literally nothing. These three students sat, as I was saying, in the corridor, under the mural tablet that records the virtues of Macbean, the former secretary.

If it is strange for me to look back from a distance both in time and space on these bygone adventures of our youth, it must be stranger for you who tread the same streets who may to-morrow open the door of the old Speculative, where we begin to rank with Scott and Robert Emmet and the beloved and inglorious Macbean or may pass the corner of the close where that great society, the L. J. R., held its meetings and drank its beer, sitting in the seats of Burns and his companions.

Macbean stroked Beth's head "There is something in here, I expect," he observed. "Not much, I'm afraid," Mrs. Caldwell answered. "We've hardly been able to teach her anything." "Ah!" Mr. Macbean ejaculated, reflecting on the specimen he had heard of the method pursued. "You must let me see what I can do." In a few days all the bustle of getting into the new house began.

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