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"Wot things?" inquired Vada. "M'lasses," said Jamie, with tearful eyes. Again Sunny felt the crisis, but he carried the situation with a firm hand. "Bimeby, laddie," he said cheerfully. "Meanwhiles we'll jest have a wash all round." And forthwith he set the wash-bowl ready and filled it with warm water.

"What's this?" screeched the woodsman suddenly, as he stumbled upon something at his feet. "By gracious! it's our keg of m'lasses. He made off with that, and has dropped it out o' sheer fright, or because he's weakening. I know I hit him twice when I fired; but he's not hurt too badly to run, or to fight like a fiend if we come to close quarters.

The pie slid easily on to the fork, and for a moment all seemed to promise well; but the next minute, just as Bubble began to lower it, he wavered on his one foot only a little, but enough to send the poor pie tumbling to the ground." "Poor pie!" cried Bubble. "Wal, I like that! Poor me, I sh'd say. I'd had bread'n m'lasses three meals runnin', Miss Hildy.

Whether Uncle Eb forgot his "m'lasses," or whether he purposely left it without, there not being a spare inch of room in the small tents, no one then or afterwards inquired. As a result of the jolly intimacy that had sprung up between the two companies during the few days when they had all things in common, the boys disposed of themselves for the night as they pleased.

"There's not a pin to choose between owners, and ships is owners as far as a sailorman's concerned. Blast them." "I was in a hooker once," said Raft, "and the Old Man came across a lot of cheap sugar, served it out to save the m'lasses. It was lead, most of it, and the chaps that swallowed it their teeth came out." "What happened to them then?" "They croaked.

But the frost ate the skin like an acid, and when Throng came to the door Pierre drove him back instantly from the air. "I only-wanted to say to Liddy," hacked the old man, "that I'm thinkin' a little m'lasses 'd kinder help the boneset an' camomile. Tell her that the cattle 'll all be hers an' the house, an' I ain't got no one but "

"Well, I did," Hi answered. "I didn't want ter come ter school, so ter pay 'em fer makin' me, I hid the clock key so they can't wind the clock. I dropped it inter the m'lasses jug, 'n' I guess to-morrer mornin' they won't know what time ter send me ter school.

Then when the door opened and Abner Hautville, dark and warlike in his carriage as any fighting chief, appeared, the man asked ostentatiously for a "quart of m'lasses, and not so black and gritty as the last was nuther," transferring the rancor in his tone to an inoffensive object with Machiavellian policy. However, Margaret Bean's husband was in the store that night, and heard it all.

I was a-sayin' pass that-air sasser o' m'lasses, won't ye? I was a-sayin' to Sister Dunlap, jist this minute, how DID they git that grindstone in there, s'I. Without HELP, mind you 'thout HELP! THAT'S wher 'tis.

"Me like m'lasses," piped Jamie, who had managed to get the pup's tail over his shoulder, and was hanging on to it with both hands. Vada shrieked as the pup began to yelp. "Oh, look at Jamie," she cried. "He's pulling Dougal's tail right out. You're a naughty, naughty boy." "Not naughty," protested Jamie, pulling harder.