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It was the kind of speech he was in the habit of making, but there was rather more colour in the girl's face than the stinging night air brought there, and she glanced at the bottom of the sleigh. "It's a sack of some kind, isn't it?" she said. "Yes," said Hawtrey; "it's a couple of three-bushel bags. Some special seed wheat Lorton sent to Winnipeg for. Ormond brought them out from the railroad.

"Then, Mr Lorton," she said, her grey eyes flashing, and her whole dear little self roused into a fiery, impulsive little Min she looked glorious in her pique! "then, Mr Lorton, I will not seek to detain you further let me pass, sir!" she added passionately, as, relenting of my behaviour, I tried to stop her and explain my conduct "Let me pass, sir! I do not wish to hear another word from you!"

"When you come back a reech mans, you can pays me back; but, note till den! Non, Monsieur Lorton! I believes you considers me a friend. You offend me if you refuse! Take hims for ze memory de notre amitie!" What could I do? I had to take the money after that.

Stelling, a parson, down at King's Lorton, there, an uncommon clever fellow, I understand, as'll put him up to most things." There was a rustling demonstration of surprise in the company, such as you may have observed in a country congregation when they hear an allusion to their week-day affairs from the pulpit.

The notoriety of "the Second Reformation" was chiefly due to the ostentatious patronage of it by the lay chiefs of the Irish oligarchy. Mr. Synge, in Clare, Lord Lorton, and Mr. McClintock at Dundalk, were indefatigable in their evangelizing exertions. The Earl of Roden to show his entire dependence on the translated Bible threw all his other books into a fish pond on his estate.

Good day, Lorton; good day to you!" and he started off, with a quick step, in the very opposite direction to that which he had been previously going. I went on homeward, with Catch following obediently at my heels. Which way did we go? Can you not guess, or must I have to tell you? How very obtuse some persons are! Why, by The Terrace, of course.

"Ah! but yes!" he said to me, in a parting visit he paid me the night before I started. "You cannote deceives me, my youngish friends! Lamartine was un republicain, he? Bien, he go un voyage en Orient; you, my dears Meestaire Lorton, are going to walk on a voyage en Ouest dat is vraisemble. Ha! ha!

He seemed to think it beneath his notice; for, he only said "Thank you, Lorton!" and dropped back behind us again with Bessie Dasher, while Seraphine joined company with little Miss Pimpernell Min and I being still together in front. By-and-by our talk was resumed in the same strain from which the curate's interpellation had diverted it. I had just spoken of Gay the fabulist.

"You ain't a goin' to Amerikey, sir, is you?" he asked me just before my departure, meeting me in the street. "Yes, I am, Shuffler," I replied, "and pretty soon, too!" "Lor! Mister Lorton; but I'm right loth to 'ear it! I've got a brother myself over in Amerikey; s'pose now, sir, I was to give you a letter to 'im? It might, you know, some'ow or hother, be o' service, hay?"

By-and-by we returned; and whom should I then meet on my way home but, positively, my eye-glass acquaintance of Downing Street. Fancy his being out before nine o'clock in the morning! It was an unparalleled occurrence. "Hullo, Horner!" I sang out, "'morning, old fellow. Compliments of the season!" "Bai-ey Je-ove! Lorton, how you stawtled me 'do!"