United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

What arm of strength e'er wrought such power As waits to crown that feeble hour? When into life an infant empire springs, There falls the iron from the soul, There Liberty's young accents roll Up to the King of kings! Spread out earth's holiest record here, Of days and deeds to reverence dear; A zeal like this, what pious legends tell?

This little yard, bullet-marked, close, and shut from all sympathy, is to us the ghastliest spot in the world. Can Mr. Davis visit it, and pray as he does so devoutly afterward? When men plead the justice of the South, and arguments are prompt to favor them, let this prison yard rise up and say that no such crimes in liberty's name have ever been committed, on this continent, at least.

=Desires for things intangible.= There are miles of vehicles of many kinds wending their tortuous, sinuous ways in and out along streets that radiate hither and thither. They stay their progress for a moment and people emerge at Robinson's, at Selfridge's, at Liberty's. Each of these is the Mecca of a thousand desires, and faces beam with pleasure when they reappear.

A small detachment of Boy Scouts, sturdy with an enormous sense of uniform and valor, marched through the asphalt alleys of the park with trained, small-footed, regimental precision small boys with clean, lifted faces. A fife and drum came up the road. Rat-a-tat-tat! Rat-a-tat-tat! High over the water a light had come out Liberty's high-flung torch.

The world unfortunately is full of Dick Turpins and Jack Sheppards, not to mention their lady friends." "Ah," said Flamby and sat silent for some time studying the panorama of the busy London streets. "Is Liberty's dear?" she inquired presently. "Not at all; most reasonable." "I'm glad," replied Flamby. "I have got seven pounds ten saved. Will that be enough?" Don held his breath.

He said to me, 'Another week o' this, and I'd ha' been a dead man, Dent bless you, Dent, old pal' said Will 'and take the gel and my blessing too. She was right, Bet wor liberty's more nor anything else to a sailor chap.

The warder uttered a sound between a grunt and chuckle. "There's some has a better time here than they have out, any day. No doubt about it they're well fed here." Her aunt's words came suddenly into Nedda's mind: 'Liberty's a glorious feast! But she did not speak them.

Then, with a remark below his breath, he sang in a very tuneless bass, that wandered at will between flat and sharp, with not a little falsetto: "Come join Hand in Hand, brave Americans all, And rouse your bold Hearts at fair Liberty's Call; No tyrannous Acts shall suppress your just Claim Or stain with Dishonour America's Name In Freedom we're born and in Freedom we'll live.

"Is not the sea Made for the free Land for courts and chains alone? There we are slaves, But on the waves Love and liberty's all our own." "Now, if you do sing, sing truth, Beazeley," said the old woman. "A'n't our boy pressed into the service? And how can you talk of liberty?" Old Tom answered by continuing his song

I packed up my clothes, paid my bill, and the porter wheeled my chest down to the Sally Port, where the boat was waiting. "Come, heave a-head, my lads, be smart. The captain says we are to take the young gentleman on board directly. His liberty's stopped for getting drunk and running after the Dolly Mops!"