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As she began to get work, the cheerful, aspiring creature bought herself a Kensington carpet-square, as red as Kensington art would permit it to be. She covered her chairs with Turkey-red cotton, frilling them round the seats. She bought a cheap cushion at one of Liberty's sales, and some bits of twopenny-halfpenny art china for her narrow mantelpiece.

Fortune wedded to talent gives birth there to children immortal, Suckled in liberty's arms, flourish the arts there of joy. With the image of life the eyes by the sculptor are ravished, And by the chisel inspired, speaks e'en the sensitive stone. Skies artificial repose on slender Ionian columns, And a Pantheon includes all that Olympus contains.

Liberty's a glorious feast! Courts for cowards were erected! Churches built to please the priest! Then read this: Drink to lofty hopes that cool Visions of a perfect state: Drink we, last, the public fool, Frantic love and frantic hate. ......... Drink to Fortune, drink to Chance, While we keep a little breath! Drink to heavy Ignorance Hob and nob with brother Death!

HE was gradually making it possible to earn a livelihood by his art. Liberty's had taken several of his painted designs on various stuffs, and he could sell designs for embroideries, for altar-cloths, and similar things, in one or two places. It was not very much he made at present, but he might extend it.

So our party adjourned to a little tea-shop in Regent Street, and afterwards, to make a few purchases at that fascinating shop, Liberty's. "Well, I really don't care much how long the boat is in coming," exclaimed Betty delightedly. "It's such fun to watch all the other boats going up and down the river, and to look up at busy Westminster Bridge!"

One day she said to me in a dry tone: "Oh, liberty's worth nothing to you," alluding to a conversation she had overheard between Francis and me, discussing the charming allurements of Parisian women; then she softened and added with her fascinating little moue: "You are really not serious, Mr. Soldier."

Liberty's home is on their Green Mountains. Their farmer republic nowhere touches the ocean, the highway of the world's crimes, as well as its nations. It has no seaport for the importation of slavery, or the exportation of its own highland republicanism.

"How glad am I that I can glance over this audience and see written upon your faces utter disdain of death. "In concluding let me say, I congratulate you that after years of suffering and disunion our faces are now all turned toward the golden shores of liberty's lovely land. "Some tell us that a sea is in our way, so deep that we cannot cross.

But as soon as he had ordered it, it seemed to him pitiably flat, and he countermanded it. Then they spent weary hours at Liberty's, and other places of the kind, when Bruce declared he felt a nervous breakdown coming on, and left it to Edith, who sent a fan. When Hyacinth was dressed and ready to start she asked for Anne.

Kirsteen had turned away to the window, and Nedda heard her say quietly to herself: "'Liberty's a glorious feast!" Trembling all over with the desire to express what was in her, Nedda stammered: "I would never keep anything that wanted to be free never, never! I would never try to make any one do what they didn't want to!"