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I should like to hear her again. But look, there are the children. Shall I take the liberty of unfastening for them the latch of your garden gate?" He sprang out of the low window, and came back heading the small battalion of visitors Phillis, Arthur, Letitia, and Oliver. But Mrs. Grey was not there. She had come half way, and returned home alone.

Yet he neither paused by its small blue gate nor glanced up the gravelled path. Nor, though thirsty, did he turn aside to the porch of the Fish and Anchor Inn; but kept along the privet hedge until he came to the second blue gate. Here he drew up and stood for a moment with his hand on the latch.

My reading, in early youth, had been extremely miscellaneous. I had read of housebreakers, to whom locks and bolts were a jest, and who, vain of their art, exhibited the experiment of entering a house the most strongly barricaded, with as little noise, and almost as little trouble, as other men would lift up a latch.

How could he tell that he was our benefactor? He did not even know that he was to be; and I begin to have misgivings about it myself." "I cannot say that I see much sign of his putting his hand into his breeches-pocket," says Bobby, vulgarly. There is the click of a lifted latch. We both look in the direction whence comes the sound. He of whom we speak is entering the garden by a distant door.

"The meat!" she exclaimed, striking the latch down. She had forgotten the meat. There was Rebecca at the window. The bareness of Mrs. Pearce's front room was fully displayed at ten o'clock at night when a powerful oil lamp stood on the middle of the table. The harsh light fell on the garden; cut straight across the lawn; lit up a child's bucket and a purple aster and reached the hedge. Mrs.

I know we often give way just when we feel strong. I know something of illusions. So I have spoken. To-morrow you will laugh and say, 'It don't matter what he thinks, And I still wish you a Happy New Year. Will you wish me one? Because I love people, humanity, so much?" And I made my way, rather overcome by feeling, out to the hall. As I raised the latch to go out, I looked back at her.

The Judge, left alone, sat down in a chair and began to weep. Thaddeus waited a moment, before he jingled at the latch; when the door was opened he went in quietly and bowed low. “My dear uncle,” he said, “I have spent here but a few days, and the days have passed like a flash.

You know now how she came to stand by the threshold of Mary's door, waiting, trembling, until the latch was lifted, and her niece, with words that spoke of such desolation among the living, fell into her arms.

Nevertheless, as she turned from the bed she looked nervously over her shoulder. The other's wandering or dream, or what it was, had left a vague disquiet in her mind, and presently she took the lamp and, opening the door, passed out, and, with her hands still on the latch, listened. Suddenly her heart bounded, her startled eyes leapt upward to the ceiling.

He came into the house without knocking. The front door was swung inward, and only a screen door, on the latch, closed the portal. "I'm making myself at home as usual, Vard," he said, walking to the General and stroking his shoulder as the veteran leaned over his table above his figures. "I've been waiting for an invitation to come up here. But I didn't dare to wait any longer.