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A field of timothy grass near the house rippled languidly, the dark heads rising stiffly upright when the faint breeze dropped. Sometimes there was a movement among the tall blades and feathery plumes of the Indian corn, and then the rustle stopped and everything was still.

In fact, the fires which were discovered on our left, in the night between the 23d and 24th, had apprised us of the movement of the Russians towards Malo-Yaroslawetz; and yet the French army had marched thither languidly; a single division, thrown to the distance of three leagues from all succour, had been carelessly risked; the corps d'armée had remained out of reach of each other.

They lay sullenly outside his brain, repelled by this dead polarity, and he looked at them languidly, against the dim illumination of the window, with a dull joy that they could not come near him and enter the realm of his thoughts. All this was the fever. In a little time these events became endowed with more palpable bodies which moved.

Calves had been branded secretly and cows killed or driven away. "Go to it, Brill," Weaver jeered. "I'm wishing you all the luck in the world." He touched his pony with the spur and swept up the road in a cloud of white dust. Not till he had disappeared did conversation renew itself languidly, for Seven Mile Ranch was lying under the lethargy of a summery sun.

One of the scattered deer, which had gone higher up the mountain, passed him by the upper track. MacRummle was gazing at the lower track just then! Having given the allotted time to it, he turned languidly and beheld the hind, trotting rather slowly, for it was somewhat winded. The sight sent sportsman-fire through the old gentleman's entire frame.

And, as the red glow departed and the darkness gathered, if there was one lonely boy in the world, languidly despairing, it was I. Many times I found myself uttering aloud such slang expressions as: "Oh, my hat! If only I had told the beastly truth for the third time! Dash it, why didn't I? Why the deuce didn't I?" I addressed myself as: "You blithering, blithering fool!"

The shop was quite warm. A stove in the rear room still emitted heat and a dull red light. On the stove was a pot of glue, or some other substance used by gilders and frame makers. Steam curled languidly from it; also a smell not quite as languid. Vaux handed her an electric torch, then flashed his own. The next moment she found a push button and switched on the lights in the shop.

Of course the sign was not accurate, for at half- past three, almost four, the chicken dinner had long ago been all eaten and in place of the diners was a group of weary women moving languidly about or standing saggingly by a great table piled with dirty dishes. Betsy paused here, meditated a moment, and went in rapidly so that her courage would not evaporate.

It was not till after luncheon that Lady Newhaven, after scanning the Ladies' Pictorial, languidly opened the Morning Post. Suddenly the paper fell from her hands on to the floor. She seized it up and read again the paragraph which had caught her eye. "No! No!" she gasped. "It is not true. It is not possible." And she read it a third time.

But it is a barrier; it is in fact rather a bore. So he drank his soup; and kept his eyes fixed upon the window. "Quails," said Mrs. Wentworth Williams languidly. "And then goat, I suppose; and then..." "Caramel custard presumably," said her husband in the same cadence, with his toothpick out already. She laid her spoon upon her plate, and her soup was taken away half finished.