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'Thou hast brought it on thyself, sister! Kim's hands were crooked in supplication. 'And whither goest thou? said the woman, handing him the half of a cake from a greasy package. 'Even to Benares. 'Jugglers belike? the young soldier suggested. 'Have ye any tricks to pass the time? Why does not that yellow man answer?

One thing after another drew Kim's idle eye across the plain. There was no purpose in his wanderings, except that the build of the huts near by seemed new, and he wished to investigate. They came out on a broad tract of grazing-ground, brown and purple in the afternoon light, with a heavy clump of mangoes in the centre.

It was never more than a couple of miles a day now, and Kim's shoulders bore all the weight of it the burden of an old man, the burden of the heavy food-bag with the locked books, the load of the writings on his heart, and the details of the daily routine.

Next instant, it stood at Kim's elbow, full to within half an inch of the brim the white cloth only showing, by a small wrinkle, where it had slid into place. 'Wah! said Kim in most utter amazement. 'That is magic. Lurgan Sahib's smile showed that the compliment had gone home. 'Throw it back. 'It will break. 'I say, throw it back. Kim pitched it at random.

Kim shook his head resolutely. 'If I said how I would earn them, another man might hear and forestall me. It is not good to sell knowledge for nothing. 'Tell now. The Colonel held up a rupee. Kim's hand half reached towards it, and dropped. 'Nay, Sahib; nay. I know the price that will be paid for the answer, but I do not know why the question is asked.

Father Victor stepped forward quickly and opened the front of Kim's upper garment. 'You see, Bennett, he's not very black. What's your name? 'Kim. 'Or Kimball? 'Perhaps. Will you let me go away? 'What else? 'They call me Kim Rishti ke. That is Kim of the Rishti. 'What is that "Rishti"? 'Eye-rishti that was the Regiment my father's. 'Irish oh, I see. 'Yess. That was how my father told me.

I was more an honoured guest than a prisoner, and invariably I rode by Kim's side, my long legs near reaching the ground, and, where the going was deep, my feet scraping the muck. Kim was young. Kim was human. Kim was universal. He was a man anywhere in any country. He and I talked and laughed and joked the day long and half the night. And I verify ate up the language.

'Send him here, mother' the twinkle returned to Kim's eye for a flash 'and I will try. 'I'll send him, but to chase him off is an ill turn. At least he had the sense to fish the Holy One out of the brook; thus, as the Holy One did not say, acquiring merit. 'He is a very wise hakim. Send him, mother. 'Priest praising priest? A miracle!

In one corner stood a tiny altar, also of heavily carved teak, bearing a copper-gilt image of the seated Buddha and fronted by a lamp, an incense-holder, and a pair of copper flower-pots. 'The Keeper of the Images in the Wonder House acquired merit by giving me these a year since, he said, following Kim's eye.

Thou art mad, Babu, said Kim with indignation. 'I wanted the papers. Suppose she had stole them? It was only practical suggestion, I think. You are not pleased, eh? A native proverb unquotable showed the blackness of Kim's disapproval. 'Well, Hurree shrugged his shoulders 'there is no accounting for thee taste. Mahbub was angry too. I do not care.