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"I beg pardon for waking you, sir," he said, leaning close over Kent, as though fearing the guard might be listening at the door. "But I thought it best for you to hear about the Indian, sir." "The Indian?" "Yes, sir Mooie, sir. I am quite upset over it, Mr. Kent. He told me early last evening that he had found the scow on which the girl was going down-river. He said it was hidden in Kim's Bayou."

He headed straight for the shop, well knowing his privileges as a sacred beast, lowered his head, and puffed heavily along the line of baskets ere making his choice. Up flew Kim's hard little heel and caught him on his moist blue nose. He snorted indignantly, and walked away across the tram-rails, his hump quivering with rage. 'See! I have saved more than the bowl will cost thrice over.

Hendrik Hamel, scheming and crafty, ever encouraged and urged me in my antic course that brought Kim's favour, not alone to me, but through me to Hendrik Hamel and all our company. I here mention Hendrik Hamel as my adviser, for it has a bearing on much that followed at Keijo in the winning of Yunsan's favour, the Lady Om's heart, and the Emperor's tolerance.

Rufie-Oofie continued to make playful dabs at Kim's ears, Kim following each movement with glaring eyes, distinctly seeing and realizing that another cat was invading his sofa, but not in the least angry with him and quite ready to play.

'Those things are nothing, said his host, following Kim's glance. 'I buy them because they are pretty, and sometimes I sell if I like the buyer's look. My work is on the table some of it. It blazed in the morning light all red and blue and green flashes, picked out with the vicious blue-white spurt of a diamond here and there. Kim opened his eyes. 'Oh, they are quite well, those stones.

'Is this also thy work? The lama dipped deep into his snuff-gourd. 'Who else watched over thee since our wonderful journey began? Kim's eyes danced in his head as he blew the rank smoke through his nostrils and stretched him on the dusty ground. 'Have I failed to oversee thy comforts, Holy One? 'A blessing on thee. The lama inclined his solemn head.

'Give water here. We men are thirsty. 'We men! said the bhisti, laughing. 'Is one skinful enough for such a pair? Drink, then, in the name of the Compassionate. He loosed a thin stream into Kim's hands, who drank native fashion; but the lama must needs pull out a cup from his inexhaustible upper draperies and drink ceremonially. They ate together in great content, clearing the beggingbowl.

Kim was the one soul in the world who had never told him a lie. That would have been a fatal blot on Kim's character if Mahbub had not known that to others, for his own ends or Mahbub's business, Kim could lie like an Oriental.

'And have you thought, said the uninjured man hotly, 'what sort of spectacle we shall present wandering through these hills among these aborigines? Hurree Babu had thought of little else for some hours, but the remark was not to his address. 'We cannot wander! I can hardly walk, groaned Kim's victim. 'Perhaps the holy man will be merciful in loving-kindness, sar, otherwise

The lama, refreshed by his sleep and the spirit, needed no more than Kim's shoulder to bear him along a silent, swift-striding man. They held the shale-sprinkled grass for an hour, swept round the shoulder of an immortal cliff, and climbed into a new country entirely blocked off from all sight of Chini valley. A huge pasture-ground ran up fan-shaped to the living snow.