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This did not close the case; there were other cases on record where a child was stolen by adults for purposes other than ransom. It was not very likely that a child of six would be stolen by a neurotic adult to replace a lost infant, and Paul Brennan was personally convinced that James Holden had enough self-reliance to make such a kidnap attempt fail rather early in the game.

Periodically we strive heroically to make him work. The boys at the planter factory, who are a rough lot but have some hold on Gibb because they entertain him out of their lunch boxes, kidnap him about twice a year and drag him in to the superintendent to get a job for him.

The Balthazar with whom Marsilly left his papers is mentioned with praise by him in his paper for Arlington, of December 27, 1668. He is the General who should have accompanied Marsilly to the Diet. Ever since, Ruvigny, the late French ambassador, a Protestant, was in England, the French Government had been anxious to kidnap Roux de Marsilly.

"Yes, he went to warn Clarenden not to leave you there unprotected, for a band of Ramero's henchmen were on their way then to the Missouri River we passed them at Council Grove to kidnap you three and take you to old Mexico," Jondo said. "An example of Fred's efforts to get even with Clarenden and of the loyalty of Narveo to his old college chum.

And it's time I was on the way. I'll let your Tony Bernini know. Home probably at ten." Cutty went with her to the elevator and when he returned to the tea table he sat down without speaking. "Why not kidnap her yourself," suggested Harrison, "if you don't want her in this?" "She would never forgive me." "If she found it out." "She's the kind who would. What do you think of her, Miss Frances?"

He struggled desperately, but Owen still clung to him like a leech, bent upon holding him until help came, for he believed this wretch should be punished for his vile attempt to kidnap the sweet child. Finding that he was having more trouble to break away than he had expected the man resorted to other means of influencing the boy besides brute strength. "Let go of me, you fool!

He came to kidnap him. Mr Abney, as he had every excuse for doing, grunted with amazement. I achieved the ringing laugh of amused innocence. It was beyond me to fathom Sam's mind. He could not suppose that any credence would be given to his wild assertion. It seemed to me that disappointment had caused him momentarily to lose his head. 'Are you mad, White? 'No, sir. I can prove what I say.

Blue was the sky and sunshine was in the air, and in the park little girls from the tenements, in white, were playing they were queens. Dolly wanted to kidnap two of them for bridesmaids. In Harlem they stopped at a jeweler's shop, and Carter got out and bought a wedding-ring.

"I am ready to give you an equivalent." "Of what nature?" "I am willing to be silent." "And how can your silence benefit me?" "That you will be best able to estimate." "Explain yourself, and bear in mind that I can bestow little time on you." "I can do that in a few words. You employed me to kidnap a child. I believe the law has something to say about that.

With China's progressive consolidation, the voluntary immigration of Chinese into the Hsiung-nu empire came to an end, and the Hsiung-nu actually began to kidnap Chinese subjects. These were the main features of the relations between Chinese and Hsiung-nu almost until 100 B.C.