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"Says he tae me nae later than yesterday, 'That's a fine field o' barley ye've there, Maister Harris, an' as sure as deith a' didna ken whaur tae luik, for it was a puckle aits." "Keep's a'," said Whinnie; "he's been awfu' negleckit when he wes a bairn, or maybe there's a want in the puir cratur." Next Sabbath Mr.

"The time comes to little, compairt wi' what Mr Graham gies me i' the lang forenichts i' the winter time, ye ken, my lord, whan the sea's whiles ower contumahcious to be meddlet muckle wi'." "But you have to support your grandfather." "My gran'father wad be ill pleased to hear ye say 't, my lord. He's terrible independent; an' what wi' his pipes, an' his lamps, an' his shop, he could keep's baith.

As Fred closed the door upon him, the naked one was rubbing himself violently with Mrs. Keep's yellow golf-jacket. In his own room Fred collected a suit of blue serge, a tennis shirt, boots, even a tie. Underclothes he found ready laid out for him, and he snatched them from the bed. From a roll of money in his bureau drawer he counted out a hundred dollars.

If they had been casks of muscavado and puncheons of rum it would have been better for the estate at this day; but there's little comparison between the auld keep at Kittlecourt and the castle o' Ellangowan; I doubt if the keep's forty feet of front. But ye make no breakfast, Mr. Mannering; ye're no eating your meat; allow me to recommend some of the kipper.

"Keep's a'," whispered Hillocks, clutching my arm, "it's little better than the ill place. I wish to gudeness I wes safe in ma ain hoose." These were only indecisive skirmishes, for one evening Donald came to my den with despair written on every feature, and I knew that fighting had begun at the centre, and that he was worsted.

Keep's a'," as the situation grew upon him, "whar are ye tae sleep, and what are ye tae sit on? An' div ye never eat? This croons a';" and Mains gazed at his new minister as one who supposed that he had taken Jeremiah's measure and had failed utterly.

Sent in to Larry Keep's big house, almost as grand as the one Jack sat in now, by him, a little six-penny grocer's son, doing business over at the South End! He couldn't believe his ears, and to assist them, he lifted his eyes and stared at the person making the announcement. Evidently she meant it, and the more he gazed at her face, the better he liked it.

Mannering I am a plain man, and do not dwell on these things; and I must needs say, I have little memory for them; but I wish ye could have heard my father's stories about the auld fights of the Mac-Dingawaies that's the Bertrams that now is wi' the Irish, and wi' the Highlanders, that came here in their berlings from Islay and Cantire and how they went to the Holy Land-that is, to Jerusalem and Jericho, wi' a' their clan at their heels they had better have gaen to Jamaica, like Sir Thomas Kittlecourt's uncle and how they brought hame relics, like those that Catholics have, and a flag that's up yonder in the garret if they had been casks of Muscavado, and puncheons of rum, it would have been better for the estate at this day but there's little comparison between the auld keep at Kittlecourt and the castle o' Ellangowan I doubt if the keep's forty feet of front But ye make no breakfast, Mr.

"Oh, well, I mean Miss Mary is my very dearest friend after that," said Alexia coolly, tossing him a saucy glance, as she bore off her beloved Sunday-school teacher down the whole length of Mrs. Keep's drawing-room floor. Phronsie ran down the hall. "Oh, Mamsie!" she cried, hurrying into Mrs. Fisher's room, "Grandpapa says she is coming she really is!"

"It's clean havers about the muir. Losh keep's, we've a' sleepit oot and never been a hair the waur. "A' admit that England micht hae dune the job; it's no cannie stravagin' yon wy frae place tae place, but Drums never complained tae me if he hed been nippit in the Sooth."