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Casey nodded appreciatively. "Every darn' town's a jinx for me," he confided resentfully. "Towns an' Casey Ryan don't agree. Towns is harder on me than sour beans." "Yeah I guess L. A.'s a jinx for you all right. I heard about your latest run-in with the cops. I wish t' heck you'd of cleaned up a few for me. I love them saps the way I like rat poison.

'Where are we? said the child, in a sleepy voice. 'Close upon Pendleton, little 'un, answered Jinx. 'Get up and see the lights in the distance. 'Oh dear, and it's nearly dark! said Rosalie. 'Never mind, my dear; we're just there, said John Thomas. He did not know that she had five more miles to walk.

An idea suddenly occurred to him, and he went over to the chair where he had thrown his overcoat the night before. From the pocket he took out the cover of Carlyle's Cromwell, and looked at it carefully. "I wonder what the jinx is on this book?" he thought. "It's a queer thing the way that fellow trailed me last night then my finding this in the drug store, and getting that crack on the bean.

"I want to see this ship in space as badly as you do. Perhaps even more so. But listen, I'm not afraid of the jinx. Neither are you, nor is Professor Hemmingwell. We're spacemen. And we know the operation of every piece of equipment on that ship. What's to prevent us from taking her up?" Connel looked at the young man, immediately recognizing the value of his suggestion. He nodded his head curtly.

Tom was perplexed, for it was a rare thing for him to return home without a bear. He rather suspected that the bows were a "jinx" and brought bad luck. So again we rested the dogs and waited for a change of fortune. The time between hunts Young and I spent shooting rabbits. Once when down on the stream bank looking for trout, Young saw a female duck diving beneath the surface of the water.

"Some Portygee foolishness," grumbled the mate. "I wonder," muttered Tunis. "You wonder if it's so?" queried the mate. "You know how silly these people are once they get a crazy notion in their heads." "What's the crazy notion, Mr. Chapin?" The mate flung up his hands and shrugged his shoulders. "A haunt a jinx something. The Lord knows!"

"My mother has that, sometimes. If you like I'll mix you up some liniment, and Miss Edith can bring it to you." "Thanks. I've tried most everything. Edith wants to rent a room, so we can keep a hired girl, but it's hard to get a girl. They want all the money on earth, and they eat something awful. That's a nice friendly dog of yours, Mr. Cameron." It was perhaps Jinx who decided Willy Cameron.

"And ran into a mess," Prale added. "I can't imagine a man with a million running into much of a mess," Farland said. "That's all you know about it. I may need your services sooner than you think. There is a sort of jinx working on me, it appears." "Spill it!" Jim Farland said. Sidney Prale did.

He even tempted Fate so far as to throw an old rubber after us as we departed, instead of an old shoe, to bring us luck according to the Rain Jinx. It landed in the tonneau of our car and Sahwah pounced upon it as a favorable omen and kept it for a mascot. With a great cheering and waving of handkerchiefs we were off.

'Where is Jinx? asked Rosalie, almost expecting he would turn out to be some kind of animal which was hidden away in a corner of the caravan. 'Oh, he's in the next van, with Lord Fatimore, said the woman; 'he'll be here soon, when it's time for these young people to be fed and trained. He's very clever, is Jinx; you never saw any one so clever in all your life.