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Young Riviere inquired what ground of offence they had given HIM. "I'll tell you," said Dard; "they impose on Jacintha; and so she imposes on me." Then observing he had at last gained his employer's ear, he became prodigiously loquacious, as such people generally are when once they get upon their own griefs.

"This letter must have come here enclosed in another," said Edouard, sternly. "Like enough," replied Jacintha, with an appearance of sovereign indifference. Edouard looked at her, and said, grimly, "I will go to Frejus." "So I would," said Jacintha, faltering a little, but not perceptibly; "you might meet them on the road, if so be they come the same road; there are two roads, you know."

"Thank you, madame," said he, and took it quietly without looking at it, put it in his pocket, and retired, with his soul in his book. They stared comically at one another, and at this cool hand. "It's no more his than it's mine," said Jacintha, bluntly. Rose darted after the absorbed student, and took him captive. "Now, doctor," she cried, "be pleased to come out of the clouds."

"Then a thought struck him: "'I have no music, Miss Jacintha, said he, 'and I can't sing without music; and he was going back again to his chair in the corner. "'But we have all the new music, was her answer, and she opened a portfolio at once.

Franz did forget himself for a minute, clapped violently, and got half-way through the word 'encore' in a very loud tone. But he checked himself instantly, coloured, apologized for his rudeness, and retreated further back from the piano. "Of course, this new symptom of modesty was met by more kindness, and followed by a sly hint from the merry Jacintha, that Mr.

At last the long-threatened conscription was levied: every person fit to bear arms, and not coming under the allowed exceptions, drew a number: and at a certain hour the numbers corresponding to these were deposited in an urn, and one-third of them were drawn in presence of the authorities. Those men whose numbers were drawn had to go for soldiers. Jacintha awaited the result in great anxiety.

Here Jacintha put in a word with the quiet subdued meaning of her class. "I can't find that anybody ever saw the colonel dead." "They did not find him, because they did not look for him," said Sergeant La Croix. "God forgive you, sergeant!" said Dard, with some feeling. "Not look for OUR COLONEL! We turned over every body that lay there, full thirty there were, and you were one of them."

Jacintha was so confounded she did not know what to say. But it was a mystification that could not endure long between two women, who were both deceived by a third. Between them they soon discovered that it must have been Rose who had sacrificed herself. "And Edouard has never been here since," said Josephine. "And never will, madame."

Ay, and patient industry to read blue-books, and a ready hand and brain to write diplomatic notes for him, off which the mind glided as from a ball of ice. In thirty years she never once mentioned the servants to him. "Oh, let eternal honor crown her name!" It was only a little bit of heel that Dard had left in Prussia. And so the army lost him. Jacintha shone as a landlady, and custom flowed in.

On this, his late jealousy and sense of injury seemed a thing of three years ago, and never to return. So hard it is for the loving heart to resist its sun. Jacintha came with a message from the colonel: "Would it be agreeable to Mademoiselle Rose to walk with him at the usual hour?" "Certainly," said Rose. As Jacintha was retiring Edouard called to her to stop a minute.