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And even supposing that these pencilled words and the words in ink were written by the same person, the fact that the word, when written in pencil, is spelled with a y or a single l, when written in ink with ie or double l, is of not the least consequence. Hamilton's first letter. "For that Honnie taken excessiuelie, cloyeth the stomacke though it be Honny." And besides, Mr.

"Eh bien. Monsieur, comment trouvez-vous la liberte et l'egalite mises en action?" "Mais, Monsieur, je vous avoue que ie beau ideal que nous autres, nous avons concu de tout cela a Paris, avait quelque chose de plus poetique que ce que nous trouvons ici!" On another occasion I was excessively amused by the tone in which one of these young men replied to a question put to him by another Frenchman.

Having no means of his own, he was glad to engage with Captain Kinnaird as his servant, to whom his character and previous habits were unknown. These circumstances, together with what follows, were drawn from his confession, made to Mr. Mac ie, who had conducted his defence, the night previous to his execution. Perhaps it will be better to make him the narrator of his own story.

One of his standards bore a BIBLE, supported on three swords, with the motto 'Ie maintiendray. The gallant old man, now eighty-two years of age, fell mortally wounded, but triumphing, and with his dying eyes he saw the soldiers of James vanquished, and dispersed in headlong flight.

He wore wheel-spurs of the Italian fashion richly gilt, and carried a drawn sword, also gilt. On his right arm, near the shoulder, was richly embroidered his device in gold two fingers broad, and around it in blue letters, Si a vous ne plait de avoyr me sure, Certes ie clis, Que ie suis, Sans venture.

And I should not change it by turning the a at the close into ie, as so many young people and older ones, too, who ought to know better are in the habit of doing; for I never could understand why girls with so noble names as Anna and Mary and Helen and Margaret and Caroline should change them into the weak and silly forms that we hear every day.

She spelled her name with an ie now, instead of a y. She was nineteen years old; she had been a student at Vassar for four years, together with Nina St. Claire and Ann Eliza Peterkin, and in July was to be graduated with the highest honors of her class.

The congressional appropriation for the purposes of the expedition was based upon an estimate made by Captain Lewis himself, which is so refreshing as to deserve literal quotation: Recapitulation of an estimate of the sum necessary to carry into effect the Miss^ie Expedition

I have known them succeed in our own country; and seen a doctor's parts estimated by his brutality and presumption. F is in his person and address not unlike our old acquaintance Dr. Sm ie; he stoops much, dodges along, and affects to speak the Patois, which is a corruption of the old Provencial tongue, spoken by the vulgar in Languedoc and Provence.

For the spelling of the seventeenth century, like its syntax and its pronunciation, was irregular; and the fatal error of those who attempt to imitate it is that they always use double consonants, superfluous final e-s, and ie for y.