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"Howandiver, there's no harrum in tryin' to belave, an' so here goes for the exparimint. If ye'll kape silence a bit, I'll jist collect me moind on the subject, an' we'll see what happens." For a moment the gray, piggish eyes of the Father, and the black, gleaming, mysterious orbs of his visitor were fixed upon each other.

Howandiver, we can have a lob of their wealth, anyhow, yourself and myself this way, darlin', there's a party of friends waitin' for us wisha' thin, but I'm lookin' forrid to a happy life wid you but sure you might say a single word to me, darlin' jist to let me know you hear me." Whether Julia heard this one-sided dialogue or not, it is difficult to say.

Howandiver, I hope to get some fish by to-morrow mornin'. If we could only get a taste av a few praties there'd be nothin' wantin'; for "'It's little I axes, Au' little I wish; If others want luxuries, let them; For praties and fish Make an illigant dish, If ye only have whiskey to wet them."

Howandiver, his Riv'rence went on explaining himself in such a way as no scholar could mistake. "Vesica mea," says he, "ab illo ultimo eversore distenditur, donec similis est rumpere. Verbis apertis," says he, "Vesthræ Sanctitatis præsentia salvata, aquam facere valde desidhero."

Couldn't you an' I ourselves do the thing couldn't we make the haul, and couldn't we cut off to America without any danger to signify, that is, if you can be faithful?" "Faithful!" he exclaimed. "By all the books that was ever opened an' shut, I'm thruth and honesty itself, so I am howandiver, you said I was betrayed?" "But I can't tell you the man that toald me.

Howandiver, you know that there's but the one cure for it a hair of the same dog that bit you; and if you're afeared to take the same hair by yourself, why I'll take a tuft of it wid you, an' we'll dhrink the wife's health my ould sweetheart and the little sthranger's."

Howandiver, as I said, whether you go or stay, Bryan, God be wid you!" During all that morning Thomas M'Mahon had been evidently suffering very deeply from a contemplation of the change that was about to take place by the departure of himself and his family from Carriglass.

That's the story as I heard it tould: but myself doesn't b'lieve over one half of it. Howandiver, when all's done, it's a shame, so it is, that he's not a bishop this blessed day and hour: for, next to the goiant ov Saint Garlath's, he's out and out the cleverest fellow ov the whole jing-bang.

"Sure I wouldn't for the worruld be afther hintiu' that ye iver spake anythin' but the truth. Howandiver, I'll tell ye somethin'. Ye see, I was standin' at the dure av yer room last night by the marest accidint, an' I happened to overhear a confabulation between you an' Rivers. An' ye know what ye towld him, and ye know what he said to you.

Frank but then again, I don't like anything like desate, or that carries two faces only as you did see him, Miss Julia, if you're loyal to me and won't turn traitor on me you've but to wait for a little, I'll be able to tell you more about the same foolish I'd rather say foolish for the sake of settin' a Christian pat-thern, than wicked or traicherous och, ay for sure we all have our failins howandiver as I was sayin', I'll soon be able, I think, to tell you more about him things that will surprise you, miss, ay, and make the blood in your veins run cowld.