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It brought the correspondence, which, from time to time, had taken place between them, to a final close. "MOUNT VERNON, July 6, 1796. "DEAR SIR: When I inform you that your letter of the 19th ultimo went to Philadelphia and returned to this place before it was received by me, it will be admitted, I am persuaded, as an apology for my not having acknowledged the receipt of it sooner.

In my letter of the 30th ultimo your attention was especially called to their situation, and no doubt is entertained, that your answers to that communication will show you have done, or caused to be done, all that could be done, under the circumstances, for their relief.

John Quincy Adams. Washington, February 3, 1827 To the House of Representatives of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States of the 9th ultimo, relating to the appointments of chargés d'affaires and to the commissions and salaries of the ministers and secretary to the mission to Panama, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, with accompanying documents.

A month later he writes again to this daughter in the same playful strain, and sends his remembrances to many friends in Richmond: "Lexington, Virginia, February 2, 1870. "My Precious Life: Your letter of the 29th ultimo, which has been four days on the road, reached me this morning, and my reply, unless our mails whip up, will not get to you before Sunday or Monday.

I shall put you under Owen's care for a few months, to recover the lost ground." I was about to reply, but Owen looked at me with such a supplicatory and warning gesture, that I was involuntarily silent. "We will then," continued my father, "resume the subject of mine of the 1st ultimo, to which you sent me an answer which was unadvised and unsatisfactory.

I have now to acquaint your Excellency that, having followed the enemy's squadron to the fifth degree of North latitude beyond the line, until, by capture and dispersion, their convoy was so reduced that only thirteen vessels out of seventy remained with the ships of war, and as the latter were evidently steering for Lisbon, and were too strong to be attacked with success by this ship alone for the remainder of the Brazilian squadron had separated in the chase I judged it advantageous for the interests of His Imperial Majesty's service, to discontinue the pursuit, and to proceed, with all possible despatch, to Maranham, where I arrived on the 26th ultimo.

Your friendship and letters add a continual charm to my life, and will always please the heart and secure the affection of, yours, With sincerity, Albany, 5th June, 1781. I was absent when yours of the 10th ultimo came, and therefore did not receive it till the first inst. You may be assured will one day repent his insolence.

To the House of Representatives of the United States: I transmit to the House of Representatives copies of such documents referred to in the message of the 17th ultimo as have been prepared since that period. They present a full view of the operations of our troops employed in the Seminole war who entered Florida.

Kekwick in charge of the party, started with King and Thring to the water hole that I discovered on the 15th ultimo; arrived in the afternoon and camped. This water hole I have named Frew's Water Hole, in token of my approbation of his care of, and attention to, the horses. This waterhole is about twenty feet below the plain, surrounded by a conglomerate ironstone rock.

Tal fué el último rasgo de su vida pública y en la privada comenzó desde entonces a gustar el cáliz de amargura que tarde o temprano llevamos todos a los labios en el huerto del mundo.

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