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"Ay," said Susy Tibbits, nicknamed by Haggart "the Timidest Woman" because she once said she was too young to marry, "but I was fell sorry for him, just being over anxious. He began bonny, flinging himself, like ane Inspired, at the pulpit door, but after Hendry Munn pointed at it and cried out, 'Be cautious, the sneck's loose, he a' gaed to bits.

Hendry told the great chief of the Blackfeet that he had been sent by the great leader of the white men at Hudson Bay to invite the Blackfeet Indians to come to these eastern waters in the summertime, and bring with them beaver and wolf skins, for which they would get, in return, guns, ammunition, cloth, beads, and other trade goods.

Diplomacy seems, as yet, to be an unlearned art among them. Ko-Nip-Ha-Tco. Here is another illustration of their frankness. F. A. Hendry, at Myers, and asked permission to live with him. Permission was willingly given, and when I went to Florida thisBillyhad been studying our language and ways for more than a year.

The Earl's son met me one day, aboot that time, i' the Tenements, and he didna ken 'at Chirsty was deid, an' I'd married again. 'Well, Haggart, he says, in his frank wy, 'and how is your wife? 'She's vara weel, sir, I maks answer, 'but she's no the ane you mean." "Na, he meant Chirsty," said Hendry. "Is that a' the story?" asked T'nowhead. Tammas had been looking at us queerly.

Leeby would have considered it almost wicked to talk of anything except Jamie now, but Hendry cried out comments on the tatties, yesterday's roup, the fall in jute, to everybody he encountered. When he and a crony had their say and parted, it was their custom to continue the conversation in shouts until they were out of hearing. Only to Jess at her window was the cart late that afternoon.

Hendry, with its stuffed pigeon-holes, and books, and into the sheriff's office, and to divers other places. Jefferson was about eleven or twelve miles from the lake, south of Ashtabula.

Sam Chard came on deck, and in my presence and in that of the second officer and Felix Latour, the steward, apologised to Mr. Carr. Mr. Carr, who was very exhausted with fever, shook hands with them both, and the matter has ended. I have briefly entered these occurrences in the ship's log, which Captain Hendry refuses to sign. But this statement of mine is signed as follows:

Leeby had refused to be drawn into conversation, like one who knew her place, yet all her actions were genteel and her monosyllabic replies in the Englishy tongue, as of one who was, after all, a little above the common. "I'm no partikler," was what Hendry said.

Pennycuick, noo," said Hendry, shaking his head in wonder at what he had to tell; "him 'at's minister at Tilliedrum. Weel, when he was a probationer he was michty poor, an' one day he was walkin' into Thrums frae Glen Quharity, an' he tak's a rest at a little housey on the road. The fowk didna ken him ava, but they saw he was a minister, an' the lassie was sorry to see him wi' sic an auld hat.

Then he halted at the fireplace and stood there, forgetfully warming his hands at an imaginary blaze. After a moment he faced me. "I know about making steel, David, but in matters like this I am utterly lost. How I wish Hendry were here to advise me!" My opportunity had come more easily than I had expected. "I can help you, perhaps," said I, "for I have seen him."