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I can read what's written there. Do you think that nobody's barns must be hanged but mine?" "But who then was it, my good Mrs. Godber, that hanged your son?" "Who should it be but the old master of Walladmor? He knows by this time what it is to have the heart-ache. Oh kite! he tore my lamb from me. But, hark in your ear Sir Lawyer! I visited his nest, old ravening kite!

In old strong days men faced real dangers, real troubles every hour; they had no time to cry. Death and disaster stood ever at the door. Men were contemptuous of them. Now in each snug protected villa we set to work to make wounds out of scratches. Every head-ache becomes an agony, every heart-ache a tragedy.

Least of all was she to let him suppose that his faithlessness had caused her any bitter heart-ache; if she desired that matters end rightly she must command herself to receive the home-comer no more than kindly, and to demean her as though his denying of her had touched her but lightly; nay, as though it were a pleasure to her vanity to be courted by the Brandenburg Junker and other noble gentlemen.

"To be, or not to be? that is the question! Whether 't is nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them? To die! to sleep! No more! and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to! 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die! to sleep!

But, if you are indeed indignant at the scorn and heart-ache inflicted on your lord's wife, make it known in the Circus to him who has brought them on her. You are all past your first youth, and will carefully avoid any rashness which may involve you in ruin. May the avenging gods aid and protect you!"

HE had gone, the good old year! It was no wonder people sighed as his pulse beat slower and slower, for he had brightened many hearts and gladdened many homes. If he had brought sadness and heart-ache to some, it was only that he never once failed in any duty.

"What for?" "Just to see it, father." "I was only there once. It was there yer mother an' me were married. It was there she gave her life into me care." He became suddenly silent, and the light of memory shone in his eyes, and the sigh of heart-ache broke through his lips. And his thoughts stretched back through the years, and once again Angela was beside him. Peg saw the look and knew it.

I hung on there awhile, and then I came abroad." "A rich man my father wrote me. I have had no letter's from you. Your uncle treated you generously, Ned." "Did he not always treat me generously?" said Lynde, with a light coming into his face and instantly dying out again. "Yes, he left me a pile of money and a heart-ache.

It was so unexpected, and she, so sympathetic, feeling for him in his heart-ache, also feeling that had there been no Lionel Trevalyon this Spaniard might have won her heart; and glancing up she saw that the Saturday Review was laid aside, and the tired blue eyes on her face when is it otherwise now? and giving one little sigh as she smiled, the sigh being for Del Castello, gone out in his loneliness, and the smile for him.

"Oh! yes, as coolly as possible," said Vaura, gayly; "he's a bit of philosopher, you know; I remember I used to wonder if he had feelings like common mortals, and if all his loves were platonic; I vow I have a great notion to become a disciple of Plato myself; 'twould save one a world of heart-ache." "Treason, treason," laughed Douglas; "better be a follower of Epicurus."