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Updated: August 15, 2024

Let us, blending its constituents as nearly as possible, place upon the market a health-food not for the body but for the mind. You follow me now, I am sure? Menti-culture is the craze of the moment. It would become the craze of the million but for a certain vagueness in its principles, a certain lack of appeal to direct energies. We will preach the cause. We will give the public something to buy.

For unless you have very poor luck, which the slope of your land, depth of soil, and your own pertinacity and staying qualities discount, many more dollars in quarters, halves, or entire will follow the first large outlay, and I may even hear of your substituting the perpetual breakfast prune of boarding-houses for your grapefruit in winter, or being overcome in summer by the prevailing health-food epidemic, in order that you may plunder the housekeeping purse successfully.

For Florian, at thirteen, a spindle-legged errand-boy in over-size knickers, a cold sore on his lip, and shoes chronically in need of resoling, had started to work for the great sporting goods store of Inverness & Heath. Now, at twenty-nine, he was head of the fifth floor. The cold sore had vanished permanently under a régime of health-food, dumb-bells, and icy plunges.

And it was a very wise decision, for the daily program was complicated and the Legation would have been kept exceedingly busy. Popova became merely a sort of footman, or modified chaperon. He knew that he had no real authority and seldom attempted even the most timid suggestions as to her conduct. Once or twice he mentioned health-food and dieting, and was pooh-poohed into a corner.

Do you know that last night the man with whom I have been staying a man of education too, who has been a professor at Oxford University, and another, a more commercial sort of Johnny, offered me a third partnership in a great enterprise for putting on the market a new mental health-food, if I would give them one of the beans for analysis. They were convinced that we should make millions." Mr.

Imagine the horror of it a health-food for the mind! Huge sums of money rolling in from the pockets of credulous people, money stinking with the curse of vulgarity and quackery! It is almost like a false note, dear, to speak of it out here, but I must tell you because they are angry with me.

When I marry her she is young seventeen year bonita. Like the rest she ees become old and what you say! tough? I am the same young all the time. To-night I resolve to dress myself and find another wife befitting my age. This old woman try to scr-r-ratch my face. Ha! ha! Meester Tansee same way they do entre los Americanos." "And this health-food you spoke of?" said Tansey.

"Well, sir," said Kinney, with a certain reluctance, "I undertook to provision the camp on spec, last winter, and well, you know, I always run a little on food for the brain," Bartley broke into a reminiscent cackle, and Kinney smiled forlornly, "and thinks I, 'Dumn it, I'll give 'em the real thing, every time. And I got hold of a health-food circular; and I sent on for a half a dozen barrels of their crackers and half a dozen of their flour, and a lot of cracked cocoa, and I put the camp on a health-food basis.

"We have created quite a sensation," she said, laughingly. "I wonder if it makes the animals in the zoo as nervous to be stared at." Kirk was half puzzled, half relieved by the lightness of her mood. "If you have finished this health-food," he remarked, "we'll go back to the plaza and wait for the launch. I'm as full of cocoanut as a shell."

The Governor-General had been leaning forward, listening intently. "Do you mean to say that there is a country in which all the woman are fat?" he asked. "It would seem so," replied Popova. "Let us read further." He picked up another of the torn pages and read aloud: To the Oatena Company of Pine Creek, Michigan: When I began using your wonderful health-food I was a mere skeleton.

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